Virtual Management

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Virtual Management


'Virtual' means not physically present in the same environment, but still present. There is 'virtual work' as the people who work in various locations, use modem technology to communicate and achieve results. And virtual management is there as guidance should be given to these professionals without them physically meet. The normal functions of management such as coaching. Innovate, mediate, producing, directing. Coordinating, controlling and stimulating, with virtual management must now take place remotely with modem technology as the virtual work done. And virtual working and managing them are now very common. For example, changing design teams whose members each have never physically met, but have designed several products together Scientists are now doing joint research together without being seen. Many students who go on internship abroad, without having to be escorted with their attendant 'face to face contact for guidance if they are abroad. A client can built a house in another country without that he himself is present (Gibson & Cohen, 2003). He can control the process well by including the use of modem technology. In this paper we are discussion the efficient use of technology for V-Meeting, and the role of V-Leader or Facilitator in it. We will also discuss the issues and some solutions related to it.


In international business, there is a trend towards Virtual teams that work across national and cultural borders and time zones. With the proliferation of computer-driven work processes in the profit and non-profit organizations and with the advent of the Internet in production and administrative processes, we find the term virtual work group, or virtual team to increase since the 1990s. Employees living in different places such as Montreal, in Paris, New Delhi, can work well together without interfering in any way to the overall performance of the company. The role of manager is quite important in Virtual management and so is the facilitator's (Gibson & Cohen, 2003).

Remote management of a virtual team

Ensure that they have the right tools so that each game character can quickly establish effective communications. For example, emails can share information and get answers quickly and ensure timely follow-up.

Adopt clear rules of operation specifying the roles, the objectives and tasks.

Communicate regularly with team members to maintain the interest and the need to redefine objectives and tasks.

Provide each team member with all necessary information in the form of virtual file: work plan, databases, etc... Each teammate will have in his computer (network access, VPN) to the same information to be on the same wavelength.

Use a video-conference or conference call to create a sense of belonging and break the isolation. These tools are effective ways to establish links between members and to strengthen cohesion.

Implement control measures in order to monitor the virtual team and avoid wasted time and unnecessary dispersions.

Introduce measures of recognition in addressing each of thanks or congratulations and disseminating successful virtual team.

Use software accessible and easy to use, like Skype and GoToMeeting. These computer tools facilitate and supervise communications among virtual team members and reduce the cost of traditional telephony (Meister & Willyerd, ...
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