Vision Therapy

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Vision Therapy

Vision Therapy


Vision therapy is the development of the process used to improve visual function. It includes a wide range of treatment and rehabilitation programs individually prescribed to treat specific disorders of sensory, motor and\or visual perception. Vision therapy involves active patient participation, led by Dr. of Optometry, a sequence of control procedures designed to change the characteristics of the visual system. The lenses used in the therapeutic treatment, prisms, filters, occlusion, and special tools. Vision therapy can be used in conjunction with other forms of treatment. Among the visual environment is often treated with vision therapy include amblyopia, strabismus, glasses, no disorders strabismus, accommodative dysfunction and dysfunction coulometer, vasomotor disturbances of perception and visual processing (Suchoff, 1986).

Vision Therapy

Vision therapy is the type of physical therapy for the eyes and brain, and it is a very effective non-surgical treatment for common eye problems many as lazy eye, crossed eyes, double vision, convergence insufficiency and some difficulties reading and learning. Vision Therapy is medical leadership, non-surgical, individual visual programs and activities designed to solve problems and vision / gold improving visual skills. Vision therapy is like physical therapy for the entire visual system, including the eyes and parts of the brain that controls vision (Burian, 1974).

The vision of therapy is often a very effective treatment for children with special needs, and remains a vital and reasonably easy to use therapy to help train in the world. Services for children with learning difficulties is a controversial and sometimes confusing task as a result of professionals working in the field tend to agree the most effective treatment. As academics and intellectuals, and the position they argue, is the parent and child are still confused and bewildered by the process. In this paper, we have to find the flexibility of therapy to help children with learning problems and try to learn what to consider this call mother and father, and how likely you can help young people in their struggle to learn and learn (Shotton, 2008).

Children's Development

Children with learning increases around the world, despite our obvious progress in the field of education strategies and technologies, knowledge, and this may be due in part to the high capacity we have now in testing and identifying learning problems. In recent years, children with learning difficulties were pushed to the back of the category and ignored, but now involving his mother and father, seeking help for their children in any medium, along with the learning online help (Sheedy, 1978).

Is there a central question about mothers and fathers of children with learning problems is as follows: my brain problem child, or do something practical to improve their effectiveness? Dyslexia is a prediction of the current standard, but there are very few treatment options for the real legitimate dyslexia, where the baby? And the mind is able to interpret and process data efficiently. This resource efficiency reduces the child's vision therapy, and generally seeking out old medicines or psychotherapy to try to help their children learn ...
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