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WBS Tool

WBS Tool

network diagram

Timing of Activities and the Total Float

Critical Path and the Duration of a Project

The technique most frequently used for scheduling is known the critical path method. This method of scheduling is also known as critical path scheduling. In a project, the completion time along with its possible starting and finishing time are completed with the help of critical path scheduling. In the corporate world, the techniques of critical path scheduling are often characterized as the only practical and usable procedure to calculate and estimate scheduling of projects. In a project there are thousands of activities that are involved that need to be incorporated to complete the project. The algorithms and computer programs of critical path scheduling are found to be quite effective in handling all the activities of the project simultaneously. The algorithms and programs of critical path scheduling are widely available for companies, who want to handle the multiple activities of the project together.

Critical path A—D—H—M—O—Q with project duration of 22 weeks

Initial Date

This project comprise of 22 weeks with no holidays = 7TH June 2013 is the starting date

Effects on the project and its Duration

a) On day 1 - Activity B is postponed

With the delay in the Activity B on the very first day, project completion time is effected and has exactly increase by 1day.

b) Similarly another 1 day delay in the Activity P

Recalculation required as the project completion time is constantly changing due to the delays

c) Another 2day delay in Activity 0

No prominent changes

Project Requirements

The advertisement and recruitment of required professional

The analyze and documentation of the project specification

The acquirement of all the needed hardware and software for IT operations

The full screening of the system through system's test, operation, designing and final implementation The required human resource in terms of seniority , category and hourly cost:

Experts of Functional - Those who are Familiar with the business process

Technical support - those technicians who have product knowledge and information

Analyst for Workflow Business - Required Workflow expert tools

Administrator of the system - maintenance of workflow environment

Analyst of the business- The business process assistor

Major Tasks to Be Carried Out

In order to create a prompt and effective project schedule, various inputs are needed. These inputs are listed as under;

Personal and project Calendars: they enlist the working days, as well as, the shifts and resources that are available ...
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