Website Encouraging Suicide

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Website Encouraging Suicide

Websites Encouraging Suicide


The website selected for analysis is 'Suicide note: Devoted to the neglected art of suicide' (2013). Internet website which advertise methods of committing suicide my discourage people from seeking psychological assistance. It has been reported that there are about 10, 0000 websites on the World Wide Web encouraging and supporting suicide. Most of them appear to forbid committing suicide and condone permitting someone to committee suicide however; the content, graphics and previous history may encourage people who are considering suicide as a last and the only option. According to Psychiatric Bulletin (1999) as diminishing rates of suicide is one the target f Nation's Health it can be stated that for public health reasons interventions are justified.

According to a report of Dobson (1999), some websites have high graphics along with documents of suicide notes, colored photographs and death certificates. As in the selected website, famous personalities who committed suicide are listed on black background and red skull on it (Figure 1). In addition, there are electronic bulletin boards, where suicidal intensions and suicidal notes are published. The website selected, offers suicides notes which most probably motivates people to relate themselves to people who committed suicide.

Furthermore, those who experience similar circumstances, thoughts and situations are more like to committee suicide when observe particle examples of and suicidal notes of people who committed suicide, as per report on one website there were more than 900 published suicidal notes a month , most of them were written by people considering suicide. Table 2 illustrates suicidal some suicidal notes available on websites. Dr Thompson states that, there are a number of bulletin boards and groups on internet which are advocating, promoting and encouraging suicide and discouraging distressed individuals from seeking psychiatric and psychological assistance.


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