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Week 7 Hand-in Assignment

Week 7 Hand-in Assignment


Bank is the financial sector in the world that have ample responsibility to tackle all monetary issues of the government and the people that exist in the society. The loan system can be a process that can manipulate through a bank which requires proper documentation. The bank can provide loan to the peoples, and they can return it in a form of installments. In this scenario, the company approached the bank for attaining the loan for setting a new business. Though, bank can provide loans to those companies that expand their business. The companies who attained loan from banks are generating the pollution in the city that must left an adverse effect in the environment. Bank mostly provides loan to companies which have big setup in manufacturing products, but they are liable to producing high amount of pollution in the city. In this case, the bank is also accountable for producing harmful effects in the environment. Besides this, bank is also accountable for enhancing their business. With the expansion of their business, the high chances of enhancing pollution in the city. This can create a nuisance in the environment and the company and bank, both are liable for augmenting this pollution and its adverse affects in the city.


According to the banking perspectives, the financial department is liable to hold up potential position in the state and provide high quality of services to the nation such as monetary and all other which has governed through laws. In recent research studies, it has been clear evident that the banking industry also follows environmental risk management policies. Many banking sectors have adopted ERM (Environmental Risk Management) through the guidance, requirements, laws and strong assistance. They have ample responsibility to reduce environmental hazards and take immediate steps for eradicating all those steps that enhance the pollution hazards.

Though, the environmental policies have not widely used through the banking sector due to which the process has not fully implemented. The aspects of banking law have extensively welcomed the ISO courses and certification program. The industry has approached ISO organization and properly followed their documentation and standards that based on environmental pollutions. These standards have completely based on reducing the factors that help to eradicate or control the pollution factors. ISO 14000 has based on reducing the environmental pollutants. The companies that required excessive loans for ...
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