Which Liquid Will Fit More Drops On A Coin Then H2o (Water)

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Which liquid will fit more drops on a coin then H2O (Water)

Which liquid will fit more drops on a coin then H2O (Water)

Research Title

Which liquid will fit more drops on a coin then H2O (Water)


Aim of the research is to investigate which liquid has unique property which can fit more drops on a coin than water.


There is some other liquid that has more ability to fit drops on a coin than water (H2o)

How many drops of water can fit on one side of a penny?



Tweezers, Penny, Eye Dropper, Plastic Container (H20), Film Canister (Testing Liquid), Paper Towel.

Procedure Part A (Control):

Rinse a penny in tap water and dry completely.

Place the penny on paper towel.

Use an eye dropper to place drops of water on the penny (one at a time) until any amount of water runs over the edge of the penny.

Record the number of drops for that trial in the table.

Procedure Part B

Start with a “clean” penny. Rinse the penny in tap water.

Hold the penny with the tweezers provided, then dip it into the TESTING LIQUID. Allow extra liquid to drip off the penny into the container before proceeding to the next step.

Place penny on dry spot on a paper towel.

Use an eye dropper to place drops of water on the penny (one at a time) until any amount of water runs over the edge of the penny.

Record the number of drops for that trial in the table.

Independent and Dependent variables

Independent Variable is the thing you change in the experiment ex: H2O to vinegar or other liquid substance. Dependent variable is what changes because of you changing something. Control could be the temperature of the water or other liquid it should be a constant. What you use to drop the water on the penny, the angle in which you hold ...