Why Is Suicide So High Among Teenagers In Ireland

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Why is Suicide so High among Teenagers in Ireland




General introduction1

Theoretical framework2

Scope for the research2

Problem statement4

Aims and objective of the study4

Research questions5

Organization of the dissertation5



General introduction

A major public health problem in many of the developed countries is suicide of teenagers. In Ireland suicide is one of the leading causes regarding the mortality of the teenagers (Fazel & Danesh 2005). Regarding the individual risk factors there is significant scientific literature. There are teenagers who have committed suicide have not contacted any of the specialist or any general doctor before committing suicide (Department of Health & Children 2005). It has become an important concern now to respond. The current research is regarding the suicide among teenagers in Ireland. The study will also elaborate that how psychological distress is leading towards the suicide risk among the teenagers and how it is interpreted (Davison & Frankel 2011).

Depression is a very serious disease. Depression and suicidal tendencies are mental disorders that can be treated. We must recognize and diagnose the presence of these conditions in teenagers and should develop an appropriate treatment plan (Davis 2011). When there is doubt in the parents of the child or young person may have a serious problem, a psychiatric examination can be very helpful. Many symptoms of suicidal tendencies are similar to those of depression (Cleary 2005).

Ireland issued more than 100,000 leaflets on mental health to prevent suicide among young people who are unemployed or are in financial difficulty, amid the worst recession in the country's history. The unemployment rate in Ireland has doubled in a year to almost 12% and is estimated to reach 15% by the end of 2010 (Cape & McCullough 2011, pp.875-879). According to the latest Reuters poll, while former "Celtic Tiger" was teetering because of the recession and a major crisis in the property market (Davison & Frankel 2011). The Government will also provide training to organizations working with people who are unemployed to help them respond to the growing risk of suicide and identify signs of mental illness (Beautrais 2004).

Theoretical framework

The epidemiological trends for teenager suicide in the 20th century have been increased. The behaviour among the teenagers regarding the suicide has been also increased in the developed countries (Begley & Quayle 2007). The suicide rates among the males in many countries have been increased whereas in contrast the suicide rates among the females have been remained same and either it has been decreased (Burke & McKeon2007). This indicates that gender does have a proactive effect and it can also be a factor of risk for suicide (Cape & McCullough 2011).

In Ireland, the likelihood of suicide in men is four times higher than among women, mortality rates are generally higher in all age groups in men, with a more pronounced peak in the 15-24 age (Carey 2009). Different data show that suicide rates increase, due to the current recession lasting. According to the latest figures from the Central Statistical Office especially in the survey "Women and Men ...