Woman Stroke Case Study

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Woman stroke case study

Woman Stroke Case Study

Therapy and Neurofeedback Therapy

Neurofeedback therapy is a method for direct training and getting real time feedback of brain function. Through Neurofeedback therapy, humans can be made to use their brain more efficiently through optimization of brain functioning. Neurofeedback therapist uses this method for observing the brain activity from moment to moment and then providing the information to their patients in real time. Neurofeedback therapist then rewards the brain for altering its own activities to more suitable and appropriate patterns. Neurofeedback therapy is a gradual and steady learning process. This process can be applied to any aspect or portion of brain function and brain activity that Neurofeedback therapist want to measure. The decision for measuring the particular aspect or portion of a brain totally depends on a person to person because this method can be applied to cure several disorders and deficits. Neurofeedback therapy is also known as EEG Biofeedback, because it utilizes electroencephalogram, electrical brain activity, or EEG. Neurofeedback therapy is a training of a person in self regulation. It applies biofeedback directly to the brain in order to optimize its functioning and make it more efficient. Self-regulation helps brain as well as the central nervous system to function better (Brett et al., 2002).

How Patient's Behavior Changed after Neurofeedback Therapies

Symptoms that were initially indicated in the participant before her treatment were moderately to very problematic. Her Neurofeedback were recorded in order to track the progress made in 10 sessions. The results indicate significant changes in many of the participant's symptom categories in the 10 Neurofeedback Therapy sessions. However, progress after the 10 initial sessions declined, but in some cases showed improvement as well. Results after the 41st session indicate somewhat better improvement and progress across all symptoms. The participant was provided with a symptom checklist ...
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