Women Through The History

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Women through the History

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Table of Contents



American women in politics in the antebellum period5

Women in the pre-Islamic period6

The pre-historic Indian women6

Royal women in the Hellenistic period7

Chinese women and Confucianism7

The rights of ancient Egyptian women8



Women through the History


The women in the world have been discriminated against since ancient times. The women have treaded a sinuous path along their history. Women have been treated differently in various cultures, geographical locations, and times. Although some women were treated as mere chattel and objects of sensual pleasure, other cultures and civilizations also gave rights to women and treated them equally and with respect. Still, we have mixed evidence regarding the role and status of women in society through time. While Chinese women are said to be slighted in the house, the pre-Islamic Arab women were treated as prostitutes. The American women soon wrenched their rights and got emancipated while the ancient Egyptian women had their rights embedded in the structure of the society. They were allowed to work, yet were expected to stay at home.


The women's history has been quite sinuous. Women have come a long way through primordial times. Women experienced all forms of discrimination in household and outside. Women were not allowed to work. They were treated as inferior being and they were kept as chattel. Women were also subjected to physical abuse and rape and they were also subjugated by other means like forced marriages and misogyny. In addition, the women were also enslaved just prior to the start of the modern history in Arabia. They were deprived of their fundamental rights. They even had to bear too many children without their consent. Further, they were made to observe purdah (veil) in Muslim cultures.

Women have come a long way to achieve their current emancipation. Before, women were treated as inferior beings and were discriminated against in all walks of life and nearly all cultures. European and American women were not allowed to work. They also could not vote. Likewise, the East Asian Japanese women were confined to their houses through forced marriages. The Indian women were also abused through various orthodox customs such as satti and others. In satti, the woman was burned alive along with the cremation of her husband's body in the crematorium. The African women were enslaved through misogyny of men where men married more than 10 women at the same time. The women were also deprived of education. The girls were kept from schools while only the boys went school. Women were also made to labor in the fields while they also did the chores at home.

The wave of emancipation came in 1920 when American women rose against their widespread discrimination. They demanded work alongside men in the industry and elsewhere. They also demanded their rights to voting in the general elections. This uprising of women brought a tremendous change in America and elsewhere and increasingly men started to treat women equally and with respect.

American women in politics in the antebellum period

American women were ...
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