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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD for short, Eng. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)) - neurological- behavioral developmental disorder that begins in childhood. Manifested by such symptoms as difficulty concentrating, hyperactivity and impulsivity, poorly managed. ADHD and its treatment cause a lot of controversy starting from 1970. The existence of ADHD is questioned several doctors, teachers, politicians, parents and the media. Some believe that ADHD does not exist at all; others believe that there are genetic and physiological causes of this condition. Many do not agree with that used for the treatment of ADHD stimulant medications (Faraone, 2005).

What is it?

People with a disorder of attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have difficulty concentrating, be careful and to complete tasks in the least complex. They often have trouble staying up, waiting their turn and often act on impulse. Although these behaviors can be found in all human beings, they are present in a pronounced and unusually prolonged in those with ADHD. They are also present in all the circumstances of life (not only at school or just at home, for example).

ADHD in adolescents and adults

ADHD is most often observed in children than in adults. It has indeed been much studied in children. It remains however to adolescence in 40% to 70% of cases and into adulthood in about half of children who are affected. . An estimated 4% of adults suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Sometimes, ADHD is diagnosed until adulthood.

Three characteristic ADHD symptoms: inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. They may be present in varying degrees. For example, a child still "in the moon", which does not finish his homework, that does not retain the instructions and constantly loses his belongings, but that is not particularly agitated could be diagnosed with ADHD. Another, especially hyperactive, impulsive and restless, but that happens to focus on relatively well when the tasks of interest could also be achieved. In general, hyperactivity and impulsivity are more pronounced in boys than in girls.

In the vast majority of people, ADHD has a neurological origin, which may depend on heredity and environmental factors. Experts are adamant about this: ADHD is not caused by unmet emotional needs or psychosocial problems, although it may be exacerbated by these factors(Kessler, 2005).


This is the most common neurobehavioral disorder in children: 5% to 10% of them would be met. It has long argued that its prevalence was higher among boys, probably because boys with ADHD were more hyperactive behaviour, which is noticed more easily than girls (in which inattention predominates). However, studies that are more recent seem to reveal significant differences between the sexes.

Diagnostic Diagnosis

It is not easy to establish a diagnosis of ADHD, because the same symptoms can result from other disorders related more or less closely with ADHD. Therefore, the diagnosis of ADHD based on a thorough assessment of the child and his environment.

The physician is primarily interested in psychomotor development of children. Parents are invited to give a history of child ...
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