Advancements In The Humanities

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Advancements in the Humanities - Radio


Introduction and Thesis Statement

Events that Led to the Advancement

Effects of Advancement

Radio Act of 1927

Evolution if the Advancement


Annotated Bibliography

Advancements in the Humanities - Radio

Outline for the Project

Introduction and Thesis Statement

The paper discussed about the brief history of Radio and significant developments in radio technology.

The discovery of radio in 1892 sparked amazing technological advancements, fundamentally guiding the development of how we communicate with each other and entertain ourselves. Significant developments in radio technology include the microprocessor, labeled as a “computer on a chip,” which opened an entirely new field of handling telecommunications in the 1970s. The Landstat II satellite proved that “eye in the sky” transmission—sending pictures via radio-fundamental satellite—was feasible and a common practice by the end of the 20th century.

Based on radio principles, the 1970s also saw the inauguration of the first cellular network in Japan (1978). A parallel network, not unlike Japan's cellular operations, started operations in North America three years later. In the miniaturization of radio receivers, Sony's credit-card thin radio of 1982 was particularly impressive (Michele et al, 2001).

The satellite, the pocket radio, the minute transmitter, and tens of other devices, have made the industry of national intelligence more productive over the years. “[Radio] communication has played an important role in the collection of intelligence,” notes author Peter McCollum, “With the advent of the effective portable radio technology in the 1930s, it became feasible for an operative to send and receive information quickly and independently from enemy territory” (Douglas, 2004).

In the United States commercial radio remained dominant, though it had been forced to adapt to the rise of television. By the year 2000 there were about 10,000 local radio stations in existence, the vast majority of which depended on advertising revenue. However, they had moved away from nationally networked programming and had assumed a much greater responsibility for their own output, much of which was recorded music. Partly in response to that trend, National Public Radio (NPR) was founded on February 24, 1970, with ninety public radio stations as charter members, to develop “programming that will be responsive to the interests of the people.” As of 2002, NPR had a weekly audience of more than 15 million (Craig, 2005).

More generally, radio is proving itself to be particularly resilient in the face of new technological challenges such as the Internet, which have created an increasingly fragmented broadcasting arena. Most radio stations on both sides of the Atlantic have associated websites that audiences can access beyond wavelength reach, and digital radio is providing new opportunities for a wider variety of programming formats.

The History of Communications-Electronic in the United States Navy, prepared in 1963 by the Bureau of Ships and Office of Naval History, highlights radio history from its earliest stages to sonar and the radio-controlled aircraft of the latter half of the 20th century. According to the narrative, the years during and between World Wars I and II witnessed great improvement in the technology of clandestine data gathering; the radio was ...
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