Aerobic Exercise Effects On Cognitive And Neural Plasticity In Children

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Aerobic Exercise Effects on Cognitive and Neural Plasticity in Children


The concept and importance of neural plasticity in children is discussed in the paper in a holistic context. It also evaluates if the aerobic exercise give neural and cognitive benefits to children, as it does to adults. It is also mentioned if there are any other potentially beneficial interventions for children that might be tried and if they are helpful for both, normally developing and children with developmental challenges or disabilities. The distinct time courses of structural brain changes with both aerobic activity and learning as well as how these effects might differ in diseased and children. The neural bases and cognitive effects of aerobic and how these effects initially discovered by psychologists and neurobiologists are also discussed.

Aerobic Exercise Effects on Cognitive and Neural Plasticity in Children

Early attention is a general term that describes the programs and educational therapeutic intervention at different levels, aimed at children aged 0 to 6 years with developmental problems, their families and environment, to prevent or minimize potential disruptions or deficiencies existing.

Originally comes from the evidence that, through the generation of an environment rich in stimuli of various kinds, we can intervene positively in the acquisition of functions or capabilities that have been undermined by problems occurring during the development or problems encountered along ripening thereof. From neurology, Sheppard (2006), founded what he called 'neuro' or 'early rehabilitation' in the plasticity of the brain in the early months of life, based on activation and functional use of all structures central nervous system (CNS), to retain their normal function and even those who have incomplete functions in relation to brain damage (Zhao, 2008, 645).

Aerobic activity is a powerful stimulus for improving mental health and for generating structural changes in the brain. Aerobic activity has been shown to produce different types of changes in the brain. The presence of novel experiences or learning is an especially important component in how these changes are manifest. The paper discuss the distinct time courses of structural brain changes with both aerobic activity and learning as well as how these effects might differ in diseased and children.

The question that arises is that what could be more important for the parents than the child's health? That is right, nothing. However, in order to properly care for the health of children, it is necessary to know more about what is related to child health. However, this theme holds a lot of things, not only background information on what children are diseases that affect everyone else, and what childhood diseases that occur almost exclusively at the dawn of life, and dangerous in the first place for the kids (Zhang, 2005, 121). Therefore, the implementation of programs working with the child at risk is not arbitrary, but it meets two conditions: it is systematic, as to the adequacy of the program to their developmental age and expectations that determine actual for each child, and is sequential, since each ...
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