An Incident Involving Corruption In A Police Department

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An Incident Involving Corruption in a Police Department

An Incident Involving Corruption in a Police Department


Police misbehavior is a problematical subject matter with an extended and complicated account in the United States. Misbehavior may be generally categorized into two divisions—corruption and bodily or emotional mistreatment—and may be either managerial or individual naturally. Police bad behavior and corruption are exploitations of police department. At times, employed interchangeably, the expressions refer to a wide range of bureaucratic, illegal, and civil contraventions. Misbehavior is the broadest group. It is "practical" when it refers to law enforcement that go against police division policies and regulations; "illegal" when it refers to law enforcement who go against centralized regulations; "unauthorized" when it refers to police force who break a citizen's civil liberties; or any arrangement thereof (Juarez, 2010).


Police Corruption

Police dishonesty is the exploitation of police department for personal benefit. Corruption may entail earnings or another kind of material gain achieved unlawfully as a result of the officer's power. Typical kinds of dishonesty take account of: corruption, extortion, getting or fencing stolen possessions, and selling drugs. The expression also refers to outlines of misbehavior in a given police department or particular unit, mostly where crimes are repetitive with the submission of superiors or throughout other continuing failure to rectify them.

Incident - Police in Puerto Rico Rocked by Scandals (2007)

In the year 2007, in United States ten officials were blamed of fixing drugs on populace and making fake under arrests. This measure of inadequacy approached among a number of police departments disgraces with more than fifty centralized measures of inadequacy of police officials the previous year. The defense of drug sellers was the most common crime concerning those cases.

Corruption takes place when a police official takes action in a way that puts his individual benefit further ...
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