Article Critique

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Article Critique

Article Critique


In this paper we are going to critically analyze the article an article “What Do We Know about Explanations for Drop out/Opt out among Young People from STM Higher Education Programmes”. This aticle is written by Ulriksen, Madsen, & Holmegaardan editorial in Studies in Science Education.

Article Critique

The authors demonstrates that the research on the dropout rate of students indicate that the national average in their final year study of about 70% of young people enrolled in the course. Investigation of the causes of dropout students show that a major factor in low achievement and large drop-out students is their lack of desire to learn and work in their chosen specialty. Weak professional orientation and low levels of educational motivation is second among the causes of dropout students. Significant factors creating a positive attitude to the profession are its social importance and relevance of the individual talents and inclinations of students. Mitigation satisfaction with the profession is low wages, the duration of the working day, the possibility of physical and nervous exhaustion. Additional negative aspects of professions acquired the technical departments are the need to work with people, lack of opportunities for creative and scientific work.

The authors state that professional orientation as an integral characteristic of the internal activity of the person cannot influence the level of learning motivation of students. If the professional orientation is relevant to the chosen specialty, which is the ultimate goal of learning, learning motivation is a system of relations in various aspects of the educational process, serving as a means of achieving the ultimate goal.

All motifs were combined into four groups - professional, educational, social identity and utilitarian. An example of professional motives can serve as a desire to become highly skilled. The cognitive model is a desire for intellectual satisfaction from the learning process. An example of the motives of social identity is the tendency of students to good learning for the sake of social approval or avoids conviction on the part of teachers, parents, friends, classmates, and utilitarian the desire to get a scholarship, a place in a hostel. The intensity of the impact on the educational work of students in the first place are professional motives, on the second - the cognitive, followed by utilitarian motives, and social identity.

The authors say that the "family status" - the third leading cause of dropout rates at which deducted 7.7% of the students. By family circumstances we have in mind changes in family status (most often due to a move to another location), the need to care for sick relatives, difficulties with childbirth and care for him and others to understand more fully the problem of charge for family reasons can only be described the main difficulties in the family of students.

Typically, students begin to marry in the 20-21 year. After this age, increasing the number of families of students has been increasing curve. Among students surveyed in the age of 18 are married, and married only 1,9% ...
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