Bible Belt

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Businesses within the Bible Belt

Table of Contents


Bible belt4

Historical facts religiously motivated5

Culture of the South Bible belt:6

Bible belt Business Zoning Restrictions8

Land use controls in Bible belt16


In this study the cultural aspects of the Bible belt have been studied. Moreover, the aspect of Bible belt Business Zoning Restrictions and Land Use controls has also been highlighted, as well. Bible belt is the region in the United States of America, in which a major aspect of culture is evangelical Protestantism. The Bible belt is characterized by promoting creationism, to prevent the teaching of evolutionary biology, sex education, abortion and civil rights for LGBT people. If it is an atheist in the Bible belt it belongs to a very small club, a group of nonconformists that is stigmatized by the majority. There are certain beliefs that these people have and follow. They are of the opinion that those who do not share the same beliefs should be dealt with rudely. This is done in order to make them develop the belief. There are certain restrictions on the use the land, as well as, in performing certain business activities, as well.

Bible belt

Bible belt is the region in the United States of America, in which a major aspect of culture is evangelical Protestantism. The core of the Bible belt is traditionally the southern state. This is due to the fact, that here the most powerful position of the South Baptist Convention is present. This is one of the largest religious communities in the United States of America. Bible belt or the Bible belt is a colloquial term used to refer to a large region of the United States where the Christian Gospel has deep social roots, a fact which is manifested clearly in the way of life the population in the moral and the political (Aalberg, Ole, 2003).

In American geography often used the term "belt" (belt) to appoint agricultural regions with a predominant crop type. Thus, in an agricultural map of the United States are drawn different "belts" that serve agricultural specialization: Corn Belt (Corn Belt), cotton belt (Cotton belt), belt snuff (Tobacco belt, etc). The term only makes sense if we understand the special emphasis put evangelical Christianity in the Bible and the importance of the sacred text has on the lives of these Christians. That is why the Bible belt is the region where the Bible is abundant, not only by the number of copies but also the importance of Scripture in the life of the population. Most of the territory of the Bible belt is the historic South America. During the colonial period (1607-1776), the South was a stronghold of the Anglican Church. The transition to a stronghold of Protestantism Anglican not happened gradually over the next century through a series of revivals in the faith, many of them associated with the Baptist denominations (Aalberg, Ole, 2003).

In the religious map of the United States, the Bible belt often stand in contrast to traditional Protestantism and Catholicism prevailing in the ...
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