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Capstone Course

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Capstone Course- Research Proposal for Strategic Business Plan


This is a proposal for a strategic business plan for an organization that we chose from the Companies in the Russell 2000® Index. Strategic planning is the process of taking critical decisions about financing options, organization structure, marketing techniques and strategic partnerships in the interests of the founders of the organization and capabilities. Strategic business plan is hence, a crucial component for an organization's strategic planning since it lays the foundation of the core background and theme of the company.

The company that we have chosen for the purpose is a leading, textiles and materials processing company called Albany international. The company is listed in the Russell 2000® Index, and globally sells products in the paper machine clothing and industrial door sectors.

Vision, Mission, and Values of Chosen Company

The vision, in the mystical sense of illumination, strongly needed for an individual who impressed, will devote themselves to achieving this vision. In cases lay, where the mystical fervor is not taken into account, however, we speak of "vision", which is the description of a possible future. In all cases, the vision becomes the goal (Canales,, 2000). The Vision of Albany International commits the company to pursue the formation of a balanced portfolio for generation of cash and enhancement of company's growth prospects.

Albany International's Mission revolves around becoming an absolute leader in their differentiated set of products, up keeping with the quality, reliability and cost efficient standards of production and operation.

Albany international believes in achieving Values through a dedicated and customer-oriented approach, for every operation it undertakes. All the 5,000 employees of Albany's community unite under the corporate umbrellas, endorsing the following sic core values:

Ethical Behavior

Justifiable Decision Making





External Environmental Analysis

The definition of enterprise as an open system, leads us to consider it as an entity in connection with the environment in which it operates. The study of the surroundings or environment must be made with a method that starts from a global perspective for Albany International, or generic until a specific analysis or economic structure that actually the company competes, be it market or sector. The results of the company depend on a wide range of exogenous factors that are sources of opportunity and a threat, which tries to make the strategic direction of the company, know and use them to ...
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