Carl Jung

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Carl Jung and His Work on Archetypes

[Nam e of Institute]Carl Jung and His Work on Archetypes


Carl Jung is amongst the renowned names in the discipline of Psychology, which have contributed significantly towards the area brain development and at the same time had been known for his literary scripts that are still being discussed for reference (Stevens, 1994, pp. 250-300). Jung developed a typology of personality. It starts with the distinction of Introversion und Extraversion. Introverts prefer their internal world of thoughts, feelings, fantasies, and Dreams, and so on, extrovert during the external world of things, people and Activity preferred. These concepts are other concepts such as shyness and sociability confused been, partly because, as shy and introverted extrovert rather socialize. However, it is about whether you (the ego) are often the persona and the turn to external reality, or the collective unconscious and archetypes. In this sense, Person is the introvert in some ways more mature than the extrovert. In our culture, but estimated to be far more extroverted people. Jung warned that we all tend to evaluate expression at the highest, which is consistent with our own (Lanning, 2008, pp. 722-30).


Jung's Structure of Personality

Jung believed that the human soul consists of 3-complex components: the ego, the unconscious and the collective unconscious (Jung, 1954, pp. 1110-1115).

The ego

It is responsible for understanding, as himself, as a person who is endowed with certain traits, characteristics, skills, and so the perception of the outside world, the environment. Thanks to him, each of us retains the ability to distinguish themselves from others (identify).

Personal unconscious

It acts big, dark warehouse, which stored all of our memories, conflicts, and feelings, fears, which we have forgotten or suppressed. There is everything that people do not want to remember for one reason or another. According to Jung, the unconscious in dreams is able to reveal an intelligence and purposefulness that is superior to our conscious understanding. He felt in his dream a higher intelligence at work and saw the unconscious forces (energies) as the religious and artistic expression in people (Jung, 1954, pp. 1110-1115).

The Collective Unconscious

The collective unconscious is a kind of spiritual inheritance, which is reborn in each brain structure, according to Jung, an inheritance of human development. This collective unconscious contains the wisdom accumulated history, the common facilities of the people, the source of his highest ambitions and lowest opinions. This common ground also explains the striking thematic similarities in religion, myth, fairy tales, artistic creations, and especially in your dreams. And this part of the psyche is concerned with the fundamental of the existence, with the birth, life and death, the conflicts of growing up to mature independence (what Jung calls the individuation), hunger and heroism, marriage and murder (Cavafy, and Moss, 2001, pp. 6-21).

In the collective unconscious from the layer of rising big dreams, you transcend your own limitations, so that they may have to forward-looking prophetic. Each of you has the equipment, dreaming express such an indescribable experience ...
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