Chick Lit Genre

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Chick lit Genre

Thesis Statement

Chick lit is genre fiction in women's fiction which positions subjects of recent women often humorously and light-heartedly.


Chick lit usually agreements with matters of up to day of the year women humorously and lightheartedly. Although occasionally it encompasses loving components, women's fiction (including chick lit) is usually not advised a direct subcategory of the romance innovative genre, because in Chick lit the heroine's connection with her family or associates may be just as significant as her loving relationships. The genre trades well, with chick lit labels topping bestseller listings and the creation of imprints committed wholly to chick lit. (Batsleer, Pp 110-112). Chick lit often characteristics hip, stylish, career-driven feminine protagonists, usually in their twenties and thirties. The women boasted in these books may be obsessed with look or have a passion for shopping.

Because of the entry and expanded interest of multinational announcing dwellings in India (fiction as well as non-fiction, Routledge being one such), more cash for promotion reasons has discovered its way in the types of publication commences and discussions, advertising, etc. (Bly, 63-65) Multinationals are currently generally trusted emblems worldwide, therefore the Indian book student would aide a certain announcing dwelling with a certain value of publishing. But multinationals need to construct up their emblems in India too, in the minds of readers as well as promise authors (because announcing is, after all, a service industry, with authors being the customers/clients). In that sense, branding desires to be the mantra. (Gold, 89-81)


The main feature of Chick lit is the protagonist who is female, often, but not always trying to make it in the modern world dealing with issues that women face. (Bly, 63-65) This can range from women in a contemporary world, such as Waiting to Exhale or it can deal with Modernist or Historical world, such as Alice Walker's The Color Purple or Toni Morrison's Beloved. The issues can deal with more than shopping such as Marian Keyes's Watermelon which deal with how to be a mother in a modern world or dealing with religion such as in Christian chick lit. The market of Chick lit covers a range of ages and topics, which concern women and often where the focus is not on romance. (Faircloth, 15)

There has been an influence on Indian sales and trading methods due to the occurrence of worldwide announcing emblems in the sense that European and American-based announcing dwellings are recognising the growing market for a kind of publications in India are eager to supply the infrastructure and cash to their agencies here to encourage the brand. Branding can be in periods of one-by-one authors who are currently large-scale titles in their field(s), or in periods of a genre of books, say graphic books or chick lit. (Faircloth, 15) For instance, a publication launch for The Rise of the Plebeians?: The Changing Face of the Indian Legislative Assemblies revised by Christophe Jaffrelot and Sanjay Kumar (published by Routledge) will deal well as Jaffrelot is  a large-scale title in ...
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