Child Development

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Social Context and Child Development

Social Context and Child Development


Particularly rapid social development of children occurs in the first year of life. For 12 months the baby has to learn not only a huge amount of knowledge and skills, but also to establish emotional contact with others, learn to trust adults, learn to control your body, remember a few hundred words and learn how to pronounce some of them (Siegler, Alibali, 2005).


Social Context and Child Development

What is social development?

Social development of the child - is a process in which absorbed the values, traditions and culture of a society to which he belongs kid. Communicating with peers and adults, playing, doing, little man learns to live according to certain unwritten rules that take into account the interests of other people's behavior. Great influence on personality development and social child has a family. It is the family becomes a kind of translator, which passes from generation to generation the knowledge, experience, values ??and traditions. That is why for the normal development of the baby is very important in the warm atmosphere of family, trust relationships, respect for each other (Siegler, Alibali, 2005).

Community children and adults

Experts identify key social determinants of child development, including leadership is communication. With the help of communication the child's first friendships are formed with peers. Communication is the main constituent and the relationship of the child and the teacher in a kindergarten. Elements of communication are inherent in a child from an early age. In the first six months of life, communication is the leading activity of the infant. He expresses his emotions and feelings through facial expressions, movements and sounds (Siegler, Alibali, 2005).


Starting from 6 months to two years of communication with older children is situational business form. The peculiarity of this form is a practical adult-child interaction. Now the kid is not only needed love and attention - he needed advice, assistance, joint actions. All this enables the child to learn faster and better variety of objects, their properties, how to handle them (Siegler, Alibali, 2005).

Three to five

Communication of children aged from 3 to 5 years shall vnesituativno-cognitive form. The kid starts asking adults questions about objects, people, and different phenomena. The main means of communication now - it. Only we can discuss things and phenomena that are not currently there, and thus allow us to go beyond the private situation. A child ...
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