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The history of China is embeded with revolution and tension dating back to the feudal periods and the ' first unified Chinese empire under Qi Shi Huang Di in 221 B.C. ' The Confucianism ideology entrenched in the minds of the Chinese people with its conservative base and the need to achieve harmony in society has yet to be reached and most likely, never will. The proletariat is at the heart of the Marxist-Maoist approach to politics and the basic way of life for the Chinese masses considering that '...roughly 85% of the population is based in peasantry...' While Marxism, as implemented by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Nationalism have historically hindered the people of China; a growing need to conform to capitilism is plainly obvious if there will ever be success in the global market.

The Marxist theory is based on a classless society where the proletariat or working class is given the opportunity to exist on an equal social level with the remainder of the people while given a form of leadership of its own for the first time. The dictatorship of the proletariat in communist China called the ' peoples democratic dictatorship ' is considered by the Chinese Communist Party to be truly democratic, since it is the dictatorship of the vast majority, the 'people' over a tiny minority of reactionaries. The Chinese Communist Party formed in 1921 is founded upon strict Marxist beliefs that coincide with ideas expressed in the Communist Manifesto.

' The CCP has, as it's mission the creation

of a stateless classless society. Because the

dictatorship of the proletariat must be led by

the party of the proletariat, the CCP by virtue

of being the vanguard of the working class, and

because of its knowledge of Marxism-Leninism

and its organizatioal capacities, is best able to

understand and realize the interests of all people.'

The Communist Manifesto described the ' conquest of political power by the proletariat ' as the objective of the Communist. ' The fundamentals of the CCP were originally based on extreme 'leftist' views that centered around the proletariat. The party would virtually work for the victory of socialism in China while at the same time, looking to dismiss capitalism.

Mao Zedong, one of the founders of the Chinese Communist Party in 1921 had views on the need to switch from an orthodox Marxist strategy which called for the party to seek roots among the urban working class, to a rural strategy centered on the exploited peasants, was interrupted by the leadership CCP and its sponsors in Moscow.

The Chinese Communist Party was by no means a military power and it was unable to sustain itself and flourish in the Nationalist-controlled cities. The Kuomintang, a nationalist party was set out to unify China under one central government. The KMT had in its possession adequate means to quash the idealistic CCP and did so on a number of occasions. Some of which led to rebellions such as the Long March led by Mao Tse-tung.

China, over history has experienced phases of both Nationalism and ...
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