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Table of Contents

Table of Contents2



Biblical definition of Church5

Ministry or Missional based model7

Appropriate Models10

Parachute drop10


Partnership network11

House churches12

Multi-site church12



Appropriate methods14

Will the method invite the Spirit?14

Does the method match the sacredness of the principles I am teaching?15

Will the method edify and strengthen those I teach?15

Is the material Church-approved?16

Have I followed correct procedures in preparation to use the method?16

The Target Demographic Into a Workable Plan For Starting A New Church16

Why establish a new congregation?17


It is true that a small Aramaic-speaking group based in rural Galilee became even within the NT era Greek-speaking and urban and dispersed, slightly embarrassed about its apocalyptic origins and now gazing into an indefinite future, nevertheless there are indications in the synoptic gospels that the transition was not unprepared. Cf. Mark 13: 10. Mark ends his apocalyptic chapter with a warning to any Christians who supposed the end to be near; not even Jesus knows when the end will come. There is indeed to be a future judgement, but Jesus says that God's saving power is to be experienced in the present; the kingdom is within the disciple's grasp; it is present when evil is met with love and mercy rather than with hate and violence, and it is to be present above all in Jesus' suffering and death. Jesus has necessarily employed the concepts that were available to him, and then given them new content. The Reign of God, he said, is breaking into human affairs, but there will be an interval before the Reign is wholly and unconditionally present.



This paper presents biblical definition of Church, it defines that a church is a building in which Christians meet for worship," is one obvious possibility. "A church is a group of Christians who gather for religious purposes" is another. These sentences aren't bad for quick answers, but they don't take us very far if we want to understand truly what a church ought to be. It is in this interim period that the Church must work, and Jesus made provision for a community of disciples.

The term 'Son of Man', derived from Daniel 7, where he represents 'the saints' (AV), involved the notion of community; but it is not possible to assign the foundation of the Church to a particular day or hour, such as after Peter's confession. Rather, the Church was created by the totality of the life and death and resurrection of Jesus. The words of Jesus reported in Matt. 16: 18 and 18: 17 are the only instances in the gospels of the word ecclesia, and are unlikely to be authentic words of Jesus, since the kind of authority there promised to Peter was never in fact enjoyed by him, so far as the NT evidence suggests.

It is the local Church community that is referred to—so that at the time of the composition of Matthew the Church was seen as a universal body with local manifestations.

Biblical definition of Church

Church the Christian community. In the Graeco-Roman world of the 1st cent., there were many religious guilds and ...
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