Community Assessment

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Community Assessment

Community Assessment


By community we mean both a social micro, different the macro society, with a reference area (the local community) or without spatial reference (the association), and a quality of relationships, these shall are prevalent mutuality, solidarity, trust, closeness, in a word, the emotional bonds between people. Sociological studies have shown the inevitable decline of the local community as a result of the process of urbanization, but at the same time have verified the expansion of community without proximity (associations or networks).

The following community assessment program is basically based on the health problems of the African American Community of the New Orleans, LA. Assessment projects of community, the African Black community is considered in its social dimension of the set of people who share important aspects of their life (a community), but even more in its dimension of feeling (feeling community). Perception of the emotional bond by members of the community and the extent to which they feel the community is a central aspect in projects development. In other words, to make an example, it is possible to argue that a condominium community is: people living under the same roof, have problems and common resources and a certain degree of interdependence. But you cannot argue that people feel the community (Oldenettel, et. al., 2000).


The concept of community Health development

Community health development is a process of change indicates that the results of this process. A process that will bring about an improvement in the quality of lives of those living in the community, thereby increasing their capacity to to solve their problems and meet their needs.

We assume that the quality of life of members of a community depends on two factors:

factors that affect them as individuals

factors affecting the conditions in which they live and that they themselves( contribute to create.

The quality of healthy life, in fact, according to the ecosystem approach, is expressed by "Fit" (compatibility) between actors (individuals, families, groups, etc.) And the conditions under which they live. These terms are understood in the broad sense of the physical environment, social, economic, cultural, etc. and include everything that is "outside" of the subject considered, by its environment.

In general, beyond the specific content that can take on a project of community health development is twofold: to develop a sense of community and support the community as a subject. In other words, the objective of community health development is to raise community authorities. It can be understood both as a community development philosophy is as strategy (Keifer, 2007).

Community health development as a philosophy includes a set of principles inspiration, guidance and criteria of choice, how to leverage resources, promote growth, autonomy, responsibility and skills development, in a word empowerment of individuals, families or groups. Community development as a strategy, however, indicates a set of actions designed for a specific purpose and with a subject defined community. If it can be defined as the action of a development intervention aimed at increasing the capacity of a subject to do something to improve his condition, solve a problem, we can talk about the development of the community when the community itself to be taken as a subject (Nardi & Petr, 2003). Therefore not all the actions of empowerment (which ...
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