Comparative Analysis

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Comparative Analysis


For the purpose and objective of understanding and comprehending of what prevails in the whereabouts of African and American slavery, we shall pave way to understand and comprehend the slavery that prevailed in history.


Knowing the coexistence of Christianity and slavery, his initial conviction alleged by the Church also implies postulate that the final acceptance of this fundamental institution of the ancient world to be linked to some process of degeneration of early Christianity, on the other hand, should be noted that idealized. It is not necessary to find a situation or a cause to explain such a change, because, as we shall see, the early church not only condemned slavery, but accepted it without main problems and eventually use it to justify it.

Christianity, when in contact with a preexisting society, criticizes and rejects some aspects seen as incompatible with their faith and its demands, but also adopts, assimilate or leave remaining other practices, customs, values and trends of thought. Some authors believe that the expectation of the imminence of the second return of Christ, so off his importance to the relations in the world that produces an indifference, a gelatinization of the institutions and states of life in this world that soon was to disappear, so Paul can advise everyone to remain. It was when the Lord called him, free or slave, married or single. Paul himself suggests that the Parousia would take.

However, there are important and complex causes. Christianity is primarily a spirit, a new way of seeing reality, God, man and the world that does not directly address the secular structures, but creates the spiritual attitudes, awareness, and attitudes will eventually lead structural change.

The insertion of the Christian demands in a social reality mediates by the understanding that has the man of faith who has accepted himself and society. The ability to break away from entrenched criteria and judgments, consistency and strength secular political and social structures.. In the social, legal, economic and political perception of the possibility of transformation is much slower and subject to the growth of historical consciousness.

In the article of Mather & Royster, the author critically analyze the in ancient times, and throughout the world, the normality and universality of slavery taken as an unchangeable fact, with very few exceptions. One was the Germanic tribe of the Alans. Also in Israel, a few centuries before Christ, based on the firm belief in the creation of man in God's image, had vanished Jewish slave ownership, while still having them Gentiles. The only case I know of theoretical and practical opposition to slavery, who felt a substantial injustice, is the small Jewish sect of the Essences, was the late, prehistoric and early Christian.

According to Woolman, some Christians explain slavery fallen state of humanity after the original sin, as did Augustine, who was one of the hard needs of the state of humanity. Ancient world's economy relied heavily on slave labor. The need for labor typically manages wars in which prisoners were passing to be ...
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