Concept Paper

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Concept Paper

Table of Contents

1.The Changing Life Cycle3

2.Developing a Mature Interdependent3

3.Women and Education4


5.Social Class and Families with Young Children5

6.Female headed households6

7.Marriage and monogamy6


9.Spirituality and Religion in America7

10.The importance of Sibling relationships through the Life Cycle7

11.The Single Adult and the Family Life Cycle8

12.Parents' Relationships8

13.Marriage in Our Times9

14.Child Care and the Work-Family Dilemma9

15.Changes in Family Structure9

16.Divorce at Midlife10

17.The Vital Importance of Family Bonds11

18.Families with Young Children11

19.Transition of the Divorce Process11

20.New Single Parent Families with Young Children12

21.The Diverse and Post-divorce Family Emotional Process12

22.Separation and Reunion among Parents and Children13

Concept Paper

The Changing Life Cycle

The emotional and intellectual stages, a person goes through from infancy to the retirement years as a member of a family called the family life cycle. At each stage, difficulties of family life are encountered that make develop or acquire new skills. The acquisition of these skills helps develop the changes that almost all families experience.

Not all people go through these stages smoothly. There are situations, such as serious illness, financial problems or the death of a loved one, which can have an effect on how well the family unit passes through these stages.

Developing a Mature Interdependent

Valuable resources are provided by the world for those who prefer interdependence above dependence, independence, and codependence. Arthur W. Chickering proposes the theory of Identity Development in which he elucidates the identity development process. Although, the theory was particularly created for the analysis of process of students in higher education, however, its implementation has been done in other areas too.

The ample human resources are not utilized by many students that are available to help them out in achievement of their goals more easily and enjoyably. A number of students are caught up in a trap of toxic relationships. It is found difficult, even impossible by many students to attain their academic, personal, and professional goals, without positive assistance. With the offering of such skills to students that can build and foster mutually caring relationships, students are empowered to gain advantage from resources that might go untapped otherwise, to go through the support of giving and getting assistance, and to attain objectives that might be difficult otherwise.

Chickering's theory examines identity development through seven vectors of development that include: development of competence, emotions management, passing across Autonomy toward Interdependence, development of Mature Interpersonal relationships, establishment of identity, development of purpose and integrity.

Women and Education

In education, gender inequality is extreme. There are lesser possibilities available for girls to access school, for getting education. Both men and women are helped by education to claim their rights and recognize their potentiality in the political, economic, and social areas. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) has recognized it in 1948 that everybody has the right to education, without discrimination and of good quality and it has been reasserted in all key international human rights conventions.

For lifting people out of poverty, education is single most powerful tool. A significant role is played by education as a foundation for development of girls towards adult life. Moreover, women are the nurturers of ...
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