Crime In Community

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Crime in Community: Youth Crime

Crime in Community: Youth Crime

The high level of criminal activity, unfortunately, are an essential element of modern urban life in most countries. Living conditions, psychological and social problems occurring in urban areas is often denied, the criminal conduct. The situations when this kind of behavior becomes even socially accepted norm within the community are met, unfortunately, quite often. The police are, and always will be the first line of defense in the fight against crime, although there are many forms of police available to them including foot and mobile patrols in conjunction with the police with a high level of presence / visibility, McNamara argues that only a few disciplinary partnerships can succeed in the fight against crime with the residents are the basis for any fight that deal with society. Therefore, in order to understand this question we must consider certain evidence that is described in connection with the crimes of initiatives that have worked in several partnerships. These partnerships have been linked with the police, residents and voluntary and private sector, and it is not simply the application of "Broken Window" theory of the manor.

In these communities and help the police patrol, it will always be an element of youth crime. Many people especially the older residents say that they were being persecuted and even frightened by the group / gang of young men (Jewkes and Letherby, 2002). In order to address these concerns, the police should work in close partnership with many statutory agencies and institutions with the private and public success. Joseph McNamara argues that even the most courageous police work often can not reduce crime. On the other hand, when the citizens of the area were organized and working in the police could expel criminals and reduce theft and other ...
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