Critical Essay

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Critical Essay Medical Ethics Re Confidentiality

Critical Essay Medical Ethics Re Confidentiality

Education is a social fact that, ultimately, seeks to provide humans with the means necessary to enable it to cope successfully with life. In this context, the future citizen-from an early age, is prepared to not later be a good student or student's advantage, but to develop their full potential and could become a suitable person, useful and balanced, short, happy. Within the animal scale, humans are perhaps the most defenseless of all. Unlike other beings instinctively and almost immediately after birth, are able to fend for themselves, men need to have a slow learning process, through which she learns to eat, talk , to walk and run almost all activities necessary for life. Part of this learning effect leads to personal experience or idiosyncrasy, many other things are learned by imitation, by the influence of the environment or the teaching unconscious or deliberate operation by children or adults. The classical or traditional education oriented systems and services such attention, preferably, or almost exclusively, from the intellectual sphere, neglecting other essential closely related to the balance between bio-psycho-motor and Intellect: the socio-emotional.

What would have invested 15 years or more to "educate" a man who could end up become a scholar, a specialist in a field of knowledge, but unable to think for yourself and daring to act with initiative, or express he feels and what he thinks, without reservation or bonds of any kind? Traditional education, then, based on a misunderstood discipline and retarding system of authority or hierarchy-level home-school and has only served to populate a world of men and women submissive, intellectually and morally neutered, tied forever , the total dependency chains: with old mindsets and behavior patterns closely related to what people say and prudishness. And is that as Robert Dottrens, "Education, apart from the first age of life-is not even form, education is free. Release of the instincts and the slag atavism and heredity have placed in us. Moreover, education is to detach oneself, is to show children the path on which one day will have to go alone, to go, if possible, farther and higher than the place where we stopped. " A liberating education, therefore, seek to make the child a free and responsible person, transforming the small, helpless animal that cries in the crib, in a human being, a moral person, character and conscience, able to act with initiative and respond intelligently to any case in which he offered on the world and life.


"Our children will be free one day, and lest we forget! We must prepare them for the intelligent use of his freedom. It should be in our families, as well as in our schools, pedagogy of freedom'

Robert Dottrens

The highest ideal of every parent is, no doubt, have healthy children, strong and happy. Unfortunately, since coming into the world, the child has to face himself and his environment, seeking a ...
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