Determining The Correlations Among Exercise, Stress, And Academic Performance For College Students

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[Determining the Correlations among Exercise, Stress, and Academic Performance for College Students]


Determining the Correlations among Exercise, Stress, and Academic Performance for College Students

Many college students deal with various aspects of stress, which can have many consequences on their body and mind. Stress takes away a person's capabilities of performing at his or her best. The effects of stress have also been known to reduce a person's quality of living connection between sentences? The next sentence might flow better from the previous if it starts off with something about stress and then connects to school. There are other options, too. An individual's ability to perform academically in school, athletically in sports, or simply plan their daily activities is greatly decreased. Stress is a huge distraction and tends to take its toll on people's lives. Stress overwhelms people which can lead to forgetfulness and disorganization.

According to Hansen “Stress Management through Written Emotional Disclosure Improves Academic performance Among College Students with physical Symptoms” (Hansen, 2001), the most significant factor is psychological or emotional stress. College students cannot concentrate on their studies, and they are also absent from class because of stress (Lumley & Provenzano, 2003). Fatigue is another negative result of stress. The research has suggested that students with less stress have performed better academically. Research conducted by Tice and Baumeister (1997) determined that students who procrastinated showed higher levels of stress later in the semester which thus resulted in lower academic grades. The findings of these articles suggest that a person with higher levels of stress will show a decline in academic performance.

There are many types of stress people deal with on a daily basis, In “Sources of Stress Among College Students”, the authors wanted to find out the major sources of stress among college students. Of course, there were lots of sources of stress; the authors determined the top five sources of stress. Change in sleeping habits, vacations/ breaks, change in eating habits, increased work load, and new responsibilities were top five sources of stress. Also, the authors insisted that college student. The authors found out that there were the five most frequently stressors, such as, change in sleeping habits (89%), vacation/ break (82%), change in eating habits (74%), new responsibilities (73%), and increased class work load (73%). Also, financial difficulties (71%) and change in social activities (71%) were reported one of big stressors (Ross, 1999).

There are however many ways people attempt to deal with stress. One way is through daily exercise. Plante (2003) stated that there are many health benefits as well as an improved psychological well-being if people do regular exercise. Exercise is known to have improved people's attitudes and behavior. Previous research has suggested that the effects of exercise have improved levels of vigor while reducing levels of confusion, fatigue, and total negative mood.

Wifley and Kunce (1986) assessed the physical and psychological gains of an eight week individualized exercise program for eighty-three adults ranging from ages twenty-two to seventy-five years of ...
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