Digital Marketing Plan

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Digital Marketing Plan

Table of Contents

Executive Summaryiii

Organisational Background1


Organization Vision and Mission2

Situation Analysis2

Apparel Market in UK2

Environmental Analysis4


SWOT Analysis5





Target Market7


Executive Summary

Clothing industry around the world is changing with fast passed fashions. People are constantly looking to adopt new and latest fashion .This is proving to be beneficial for the companies on one hand that is the sales increases but on the other hand the companies have to invest in more marketing budget as soon as the latest fashions come into action. In this assignment we are going to discuss the digital marketing plan of a fictitious company by the name of “Clothing Kingdom”. The organization background, its entrance into the online world as to what will be the competitors of the company and what will be the target market are also discussed.

Digital Marketing Plan

Organisational Background


In the last few years internet has entered into the life of a common person like fire spreading through the woods. After the opening of first internet store in year 1990s the overall shopping trend online has increased by many fold. It usages has completely revolutionized us in every aspect of life. The users now have complete access to anything they want. Internet now has turned into a mode of business rather than just helping tool for business. In 2009 internet contributed around 100 billion pounds to UK economy that was 7.2 % of it GDP (Robinson 2010). In the recent years dedicated online stores have popped up which are directly selling clothing on their sites. Fortunately they are doing well due their diverse target audience all over the world but the competition is rising. This assignment would cover the marketing plan of a fictitious clothing company by the name “Clothes Kingdom”. This a clothing outlet based in London which will start selling online in a few days and plans to cater to the needs of customers all over the world.

In this internet based clothing firm we would serve the men, women and children clothing all over the world. As we all know in the present time entering this sector would mean stiff competitions from the competitors. So proper forecasting of all the all the revenues and expenses needs to be done carefully to counter competitors , for it can ruin the company financially when dealing with advertisement and sales promotion online. Thus proper planning will be done to make our Digital Campaigning successful which will be a key factor for us to sustain this market.

Organization Vision and Mission


To deliver the Customers all over the world with the latest trending clothes of the Royal Kingdom, providing them with the best quality clothes at an affordable price and in efficient manner.


Being the best in the market we would like to see our self providing clothes in more than fifty countries of the world and that by 2016 and keeping up with the growth projection of more than 50 % each year.

Situation Analysis

Apparel Market in UK

UK has a great fashion industry; its brands are famous all over ...
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