Dirty Bomb

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Dirty Bomb

The threat of a Dirty Bomb on US Soil

What is a dirty bomb?

A dirty weapon is an explosive weapon made of radioactive materials or pellets and dynamite. It contaminates the area. It is designed as radiological dispersal device (RDD) which includes radioactive material combined with conventional explosives which produce a lethal effect. It is considered as a weapon of mass destruction causing many deaths. Its function is said to cause panic, terror, ignorance and explosion. It doesn't create an atomic blast rather it just scatters radioactive dust or smoke. It can cause serious damage to property and injuries to people. It is more dangerous to health when inhaled or when the person is near to the blasted site (Labor Spiez, 2005).

How US soil is threatened by a terrorist group?

It has been reported many times about the threats from terrorist groups of the attacks by dirty bombs after 9/11 in the media. U.S Department of Defense has described terrorism as something used for unlawful violence, threat or to create fear. US arrested a suspected al-Qaeda member named Jose Padilla who was accused of building and setting off a dirty bomb in 2002(Pink, 2011).

A brief summary of terrorist attacks in US

Al-Qaeda is accused of and it has probability in real grounds that this terrorist organization is linked with terrorists who use dirty bombs. This is proven because this organization had attempted to get access to dirty bombs and this group is also believed to be directly involved with 9/11 attacks. Jose Padilla, original name: Abdullah al-Muhajir, was suspected to be involved with Al-Qaeda with the plan to explode a dirty bomb in US and therefore, he was arrested on May 8th 2002. This information was provided by Abu Zubaydah, top official Al-Qaeda held in the custody of US. He also revealed that the terrorist organization would be constructing a dirty bomb in the future (Nova, 2003).

At the time of arrest, Padilla didn't possess any radioactive or explosive item but it was found out by the law enforcement authorities that he was exploring radioactive materials to be used in the probable locations for evidence. It was doubted whether Padilla was really preparing for the attack suspected. But his arrest motivated the officials before the 9/11 security loop holes from the side of CIA and FBI. But after days, these charges on Padilla were removed. Though it isn't yet proved that Al-Qaeda really possesses dirty bomb but it is perceived that this organization can explode an attack anytime because the organization aims to damage the image of US war against terrorism.

If the terrorists can go to the extent of flying a plane into the building then they also can take a high risk with their lives by developing a bomb. If this remains the case, then the protective and security systems would have to strong and complex to let the doer survive developing and exploding the bomb. Many more people were suspected of the ...
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