Domestic Violence Women In Bangladesh

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Domestic violence Women in Bangladesh

Domestic violence Women In Bangladesh

Domestic violence is a universal phenomenon affecting all cultures. A key to its understanding is the cultural context within which it is manifested; research in this area is sparse although it has been explored in Bangladesh. It is common, with 41% of women attending general practice having 'ever experienced physical violence'. While screening may not be justified, women expect healthcare workers to ask about and support them.

This was a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews, approved by ELCHA ethics committee. The setting was The Bromley by Bow Centre in East London. There were 11 subjects including healthcare workers, GPs and health visitors. The results revealed themes including:

Cause Of Abuse

Acculturation and cross-community marriages in Bangladesh and the UK could create tension that could precipitate violence, as could in-laws cohabiting with couples.

Types Of Abuse

These were thought to include exploitation of lack of education of immigrant women and girls, physical beatings, financial deprivation and social isolation. The community's slander of a 'bad wife' could be used as psychological abuse.


Perpetrator families were thought to keep abuse hidden as did the victim. In seeking help, the victim was thought to be fearful of retaliation and inhibited by the constant presence of her in-laws.

'… she told the GP that she fell from the chair … it was too difficult for her to[tell] because one of her family was interpreting for her …'

Lack Of Support

Wives who leave their own support structure behind can become isolated and their new family may not support her. The community was thought to be unsupported in dealing with domestic violence and the police and social services were thought unhelpful.

Ending The Abuse

The consensus was that professionals thought that women wanted to remain in the family (where this was safe) and enabling this was the ideal.

The conclusions are that this study found that domestic violence within this community, although reflected in other cultures, was also affected by the interface of their own host and native culture. The context can create a culture of secrecy and lack of support, which does not help the victims of domestic violence. The views are 'secondhand' via the health professional and may reflect their preconceptions, but they give an insight, perhaps, into some of the issues surrounding this sensitive subject.

Research Methods Used

The evidence spurring the urgency of action against domestic violence against women has been clearly provided by the WHO Multi-country Study on Women's Health and Domestic violence against Women. This pioneering multi-country study, which was conducted in 10 countries, including Bangladesh, addressed the stark need for reliable and comparative data to guide policy and monitor implementation. In Bangladesh, the study found that 41% and 44% of married women reported having suffered from physical and sexual domestic violence by their husbands respectively. Furthermore, 11% of women reported having being physically abused during at least one pregnancy. The impact of this domestic violence is undoubtedly immense and widespread. Twenty percent of women who experienced physical or sexual ...
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