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Internet Banking: E- Banking (Asia) in Pakistan


Background of the study

E- banking can be defined set of technology tools such as offering banks to conduct business through your Internet connection. This service has a wide range of applications, as operations such as opening of accounts, balance inquiries transaction, funds transfer, and payments, among others. The main advantages for the use of this customer service is the convenience of having access to your bank 24 hours a day, versatility, since a single channel can provide multiple services, and as their own infrastructure breaks down the geographical barriers, enabling the client to contact your bank, regardless of where. Also counterpart, there are disadvantages of it, as the issue of security in the Internet, the speed or connection problems, especially the difficulty of adapting traditional customer to the electronic medium.

E- banking has generated an unprecedented growth globally. The primary reason is undoubtedly, the convience. Use of online banking saves time and effort. Improved technology, today, has helped many companies in different industries to cope with the growing customer demand. The use of Internet, in particular, revolutionized the way people use so many things on the web, from shopping, chat with friends and family up to sell things. However, not all customers are willing to try E- banking because some of them do not know how to use it and some do not want to try for fear that their account will be hacked. Others prefer a traditional bank because they are still technically and technologically advanced.


Consumers are not ready to share sensitive information over the virtual medium such as internet for communication and delivery. In the past few years, technology has become more ordinary and common, because of that consumers have become more familiar with it. Today, consumers have raise more confident and their personal capabilities to increasingly become 'net savvy'. Therefore, number of consumers using online banking has increased. They also become financially more refined and have increased inside knowledge and understanding of complex products and services available to them.

Research Aim & Objective


The main aims of this study are;

To explore the concept of E - Banking in Pakistan.

To figure out the differences in traditional and E - Banking.


The objectives of this study are;

To find out the main barriers in the adoption of E - Banking among customers.

To investigate the determinants of customers' perception and satisfaction of E - Banking in Pakistan.

Research Questions

What are the perceptions of the customers regarding E- banking?

What are the barriers to the adoption of E- banking by customers in Pakistan?

Literature Review

New information technology such as the internet is helpful towards the easy exchange of information. Exchange of information is possible with the help of mediums like e-mail and online chat rooms among users. Communication of such information is helpful for the establishment of new connections and creation of the social system. Therefore, users within the social system usually influence their behaviour and significantly affect the level of technology usage ...
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