Energy-Saving Technologies

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Energy-Saving Technologies

Energy-Saving Technologies


In Industrial development, many people around the world have got prosperity, but unfortunately, it also increased the depletion of inherent resources and environmental harm. Huge utilization of fossil fuels, to which industrial development is largely dependent, causing false impact on climate change. Impacts on the worldwide ecosystem resulting from climate change are in return leading to substantial economic losses. As a result, we must clear the new alternate means for empowering the industrial development. We must do it to avoid compromising with the hurdles in human welfare. Most of the countries depend a lot on fossil fuels i.e. oil and gas, as a result, also troubling from a political and security perspective. The availability of resource produce conflicts and other political and social problems, as these areas have a concentration of oil and gas resources.

Now officials have turned their attention to alternative energy sources to end the political, environmental, and social issues because of fossil fuel. Alternative energy sources can be defined as, the resources that do not cause the emissions of CO2, and are used to avoid the environmental effects. We can state that, these are a new type of energy resources that do not require the input of fossil fuels, and also provide the political and social advantages. There are a lot of energy resources that are invented due to constant thinking of highly educated individuals. These energy options include solar energy, wind power energy, bio energy, hydropower energy, geothermal energy, wave and tidal power energy, hydrogen and fuel cells energy and the energy produce from Carbon capture and storage waste. In the rest of this research work, we will discuss how are these resources working and what their benefits are. Later on we will discuss the improvements, and scope of these resources in industrial and home use.


Available alternate resources

The most significant one amongst the available resources is solar energy. Sun is the best source of energy, through which many plants and animals get energy. We can extract it from two ways: thermal solar, energy and photovoltaic energy production. Here, we use energy from sun to store on heat storage with the help of heat collectors. Then use system design and technologies to convert it electrical energy. Special semiconductor devices are used in this process to convert heat solar energy to electrical one. In wind mill energy, wind flow is used to get electric power. Huge fans are erected on high places or where wind flow is fast. This fan converts the wind energy to perfunctory one, and the generator at the bottom is used to convert mechanical energy to electrical energy. It is more efficient than solar panel because of low maintenance and installation cost. But it can only be installed on strong wind flow areas and also depends on climate changes.

With the help of biomass, we can also produce energy. Biomass means organic compounds i.e. the waste material of plants, animals, and municipal wastes. Liquid, gaseous or solid state fuels can be produced from these ...
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