Family Health Assessment

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Family Health Assessment

Family Health Assessment

Gordon's 11 functional health patterns

Health Perception and Health Management

This perception focuses on the person's health and his well-being, along with the maintenance of person's health. It is used for the identification of person's potential and actual issues related to the management of his health and safety (Gordon. M, 1987).

Nutrition and Metabolism

This assessment focuses on the patterns concerning the consumption of person food and fluid according to his metabolic requirements. It is used to identify the potential and actual problems related to the person's metabolic system.


This assessment focuses on the collection of data regarding the patterns of excretory of a person. The collected data is used to identify the issues like diarrhea, and constipation.

Activity and Exercise

This assessment focuses on the person's daily activity, and the energy that he expends in those activities along with other activities of self-care, leisure, and exercises. It evaluates the major systems of the human body involved with the activities of a person.

Perception and cognition

This pattern focuses on the individual's ability of comprehending situations, and then using the information for the functions of sensory. The functions of sensory could be the feeling of pain. Data related to the functions of neurology is used for aiding this pattern. In case of altered sensory the collected data input needs to be identified and evaluated for further study.

Resting and sleeping

This assessment focuses on the sleeping, resting and patterns of relaxing of an individual. It is important that disturbed sleeping patterns, along with fatigue and sleeping responsiveness have to be identified.

Self-Conception and Self-Perception

The assessment focuses on the attitude of the person, which includes his identity, body structure, and his self moral senses. It is important to identify the level of person's self esteem along with his responses for the identification of threats.

Relationships and roles

The assessment focuses on the role of the individual that he has to play in this world, along with his or her relationships with other people of the world. However, a satisfaction concerning the role, and the role strain along with other gastrointestinal that occur in the relationships could be evaluated auxillarily.

Sexuality and reproductively

The assessment focuses on the individual's personal satisfaction or dissatisfaction regarding the patterns used for the sexual actions and functions of reproductively. It is of paramount importance that any concern regarding the patterns of sexuality must be identified very early in the relationship.

Coping and toleration of stress

The assessment focuses on the perception of the stress that a person takes in his relationships, along with that also focuses on the strategies coped by the individual. To resolve this issue, first the evaluation is carried out systematically, along with the notification of the symptoms. The strategies regarding the coping ability of the individual in concern with stress could be evaluated in more briefly.

Values and Belief

This assessment focuses on the beliefs and values of an individual it also includes the person's belief in spirituality, along with the goals that the person has set for him, or her-self, this pattern guides the person choices and ...
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