Final Project: Comprehensive Argument Analysis

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Final Project: Comprehensive Argument Analysis

Final Project: Comprehensive Argument Analysis

Oil and natural gas touch our lives in countless ways every day. Together, they provide more than 60 percent of the energy of our nation. That fuel our cars, heat our homes and cook our food. But did you know that oil and natural gas also help generate electricity that powers our daily lives? Or that crude oil supplies the building blocks for everything from dent-resistant fenders of the car to soft drink bottles to camping equipment?

Explore this section to learn more about oil and natural gas, how they occur and how to make products that count. You'll also find tips on how to conserve energy and use oil and natural gas in a way that protects your family and our environment.

According to the latest information on U.S. oiland gas industry, total, which is an oil and gas in France, has announced the January 14, 2009 in a statement the company would buy 50 percent of American oil shale. American oil shale is a sister concern of IDT, a provider of diversified telecommunications services based in New Jersey.

American oil shale is one of the three companies in the oil and gas industry in the U.S. for a ten-year contract, which has been granted by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. This contract allows them to monitor, display and examine the possibilities of production of oil shale on a commercial basis in western Colorado area.

In January 2009, companies in the oil and gas in the U.S. are going through a difficult phase. Is supposed to report the financial results for the fourth quarter of fiscal 2008 and assumes that the results would not be good.

Much of this could be attributed to the reduction of oil prices during 2008. However, financial experts have assumed that the companies in the oil and gas in the U.S., who have sufficient financial reserves, is likely to benefit from the depreciation in the value of stocks in 2009. Much of this reduction is the result of mergers and acquisitions in the U.S. oil and gas.

Petro Hunt, a major American oil and gas industry, has auctioned their licenses on both banks of the river Ikpikpuk in Alaska. In another development in the U.S. oilgas industry and some environmental groups have registered a case against an auction of licenses for oil and gas that was to be staged in Utah, USA by the Bureau of Land Management in December 2008. BP Exploration Alaska, which is a subsidiary of British Petroleum, said on December 2, 2008 that 2009 would pump $ 1.2 billion in oil and gas projects in Alaska. This budget is 33 percent more than in 2008 when British Petroleum had spent $ 900 million.

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To prepare for the future, this country will have to develop a wide range of energy resources to meet their energy ...
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