Future Prospects For Work In Canada

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Future prospects for work in Canada

Future prospects for work in Canada


The Canadian government has forced to cut back on spending and budgets in the field of education in the past few years. This has been done by the government to reduce the number of teachers and educational services expensese in the field of education. Nevertheless, the reason behind such commits is not because of the fact that the country has enough teachers, schools, and materials (Laidler, 2007). In fact, all of the physical components necessary to teach young people are in abundance. The only element that is not enough is money or financial credits.

Ten years ago, before these cuts, there were not enough doctors, nurses and other medical personnel. There was no shortage of hospitals and outpatient care but now they are shutting. In fact, many young people emigrated after finishing university looking for a job in the USA and other countries (Laidler, 2007). In this case, the country again introduced cutting staff and services, resulting in a long wait in a queue to see a doctor. Again, the only missing ingredient is in the country was money and funds as it was a purely financial blockade.

We have to understand that from a physical point of view, cutting services and reduced living standards are not needed, nor are they acceptable in a country as rich in resources as Canada. By the way, Canada is among the richest country in the world when it comes to the amount of natural resources per capita. Moreover, Canada has an advanced and automated industrial machine that provides such an abundance of goods, it is often hardly find enough in foreign markets in case of surplus.


The paper contributes to examine two major themes connected to the well-being of Canadian future in terms of being working place. Firstly, the paper describes the nature of the labor market, which is need of young adults in Canada (Lewis, 2001). Secondly, the paper examines how families, communities and the public sector influence the flow of working conditions in the country. The pooling of these themes is the growing importance that is given to the well-being of Canadian future.

Working Future and Post-Industrialism in Canada

In the period of post-industrialization, it has determined incessant alteration of the industrial arrangements in context to the international forum. In this regards the Canadian companies are in common needs to the lucid allotment of financial and economic capital, in order to advance the economic advantages of Canada in comparison to the world. However, labor markets have changed dramatically, and, on average, it is now more difficult to acquire the solid foundation needed to aspire to increasing prosperity.

A larger number of young Canadians prepared themselves, their families and communities to meet these new challenges and, as young parents; they are well placed to pass on this legacy to their children (Lewis, 2001). However, this does not apply to a minority of increasing a group whose children turn challenges greater than the average for progress in ...
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