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Gambling is the wagering of money or something of material value on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning additional money and/or material goods. Typically, the outcome of the wager is evident within a short period. Gambling used to be what a few unscrupulous people did with the aid of organized crime.

But gambling fever now seems to affect nearly everyone as more and more states try to legalize various forms of gambling. Legalized gambling exists in forty-seven states and the District of Columbia (Curt, 19). The momentum seems to be on the side of those who want legalized gambling as a way to supplement state revenues. But these states and their citizens often ignore the costs that are associated with legalized gambling. The social and economic costs are enormous.

Many people who gamble excessively have mixed feelings about gambling. They know they are causing problems for the people they love. They may become anxious and unhappy, and often hate themselves. But the urge to gamble seems too great to resist. They feel they cant give up on all the time, money and emotion they have put into gambling. They cant accept that they will never win back what they have lost. Some people still believe their system will pay off, their luck will change or they are due to win(Brad,40-41). Others believe that continuing to gamble is the only way out of a situation they are ashamed about.

Other people promise to quit, but cant. They fear their loved ones will find them out. This drives them deeper into hiding and further into debt. They keep hoping a big win will end their problems(Gary,23). Once in a while they may win, which keeps their hope alive until the losses mount up again. If they quit now, they will feel like a loser. They will have to face all the problems gambling has caused.

Risks and Rewards of Gambling

Many people have mixed feelings about gambling. You may not want to give up gambling. At the same time, you may see it is causing you harm. Mixed feelings like these can be very confusing. Through counselling, you can assess your situation and consider ways to restore balance. You may have mixed feelings about gambling. Perhaps you recognize yourself in statements on both sides of this list:


People gamble because:

love the thrill of playing.

know a big payout could solve all my problems.

Gambling is only shot at becoming a millionaire.

feel important when win. He Loves and being able to treat their family and friends.

Gambler has a sure system. It's just a matter of time before he wins again.

When Gambler is on, he can make money fast and easily.

Gambling lets Gambler forget his problems and pain for a while.

Gambling is the one thing in Gambler's life that is just for him. When he gambles, he is in control.

Gambling gets him out of the house. He feels safe and welcome.

All his friends gamble.


Gambler thinking about getting help because:

Gambler partner is threatening to leave him if ...
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