Game And Simulation Development

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Game and Simulation Development

Game and Simulation Development

Project Description:

This Simulation is be an educational tool that is used in a school or home learning environment on a standard computer through the web or CD-ROM/DVD. It is an Interactive Simulation/Experience that reinforces the concepts on the effects of driving while intoxicated or any condition below full intoxication and include educational concepts as it related to the serious subject matter. (yda, M ; Sheehan J. 1997 Pp. 120)

Vision Statement

An interactive educational game that combines the learning from the Buggouts learning Club™ books series as a reinforcement for students. (The Buggouts Learning Club™ is the property of Splashgraphixz and used with permission from Splashgraphixz LLC)

Key Features:

· User's simulated vision and reaction time that is modified base on weight, consumption and time.

· Sounds/Music, 3D Graphics, and Graphic User Interface.

· Time span of Game/Experience is estimated for 20-30 minutes.

· City or Rural Traffic simulation (one level/course for each City and Rural Environments)

· Artificial Intelligent (AI) cars (up to 32 objects)

· Graphical Effects to simulate DWI symptoms (Pending hardware specs on user system).

· Promotion of “the Right Choice” in scoring system.

· Promotion of StopDWI and other related Associations/Foundations.

· Incorporate True Victim Cases into the simulation/experience.

· Provide facts and resources for related subject matter.

Target Audience:

High School, 12-18 years in age.

College students, 18-28 years in age.

The power of graphics processors has undergone revolutionary changes in the last few years. GPU are becoming faster, and more powerful, giving the programmer greater features and flexibility. Early GPU only supported simple vertex operations several lines long, however modern GPUs handle complex per-pixel programs of hundreds of lines in real-time. Early GPU programs were written in assembly language to optimize performance. Now high-level GPU languages are commonplace, and improved compilers and enhanced capabilities of the GPU make assembly code tuning a rare case. Software algorithms result in nine multiplications and nine additions just for the geo-morphing task (not taking into account any matrix multiplications for transformation). This would be quite slow in terms of performance doing it on the CPU.(Zyda, M ; Sheehan J. (1997). Pp. 120)

Fortunately the GPU provides us with an ideal operation for the problem. The vertex shader command dp4 can multiply four values with four other values and sum the products up in just one instruction [2]. This computes calculations in just five instructions, which is only slightly longer than a single 4x4 matrix multiplication, resulting in ...
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