Gay Marriage & Domestic Partnerships And Civil Unions

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Gay Marriage & Domestic Partnerships and Civil Unions

Most civil union and domestic partnership laws grant similar rights and privileges to same-sex couples that married heterosexual couples enjoy. That would include filing joint tax returns, giving partners a say in medical decisions, joint health coverage and adoption privileges. The law, however, just recently permitted these rights, and many states still do not have such laws (Williams, 56). Not so long ago many gay couples were denied joint coverage much less any say in medical decisions. These privileges greatly effect the life of a homosexual as proved by many authors like Stein (p38). A lesbian couple lived as spouses for four years until one was seriously injured when hit by a drunk driver and needed constant care. Moreover, because her partner had no legal rights her parents gained legal guardianship and took her 300 miles away. The parents did not allow any visitation between the two women. This had a devastating effect on their relationship as well as emotional state. As a society, who are we do deny anyone love? These to women's government denied them love because their state law said they should not have the same rights as heterosexuals. According to Raeburn (p67) although gay couples have won some rights heterosexuals have, they still lack crucial benefits. What gay couples don't get under civil union laws that married heterosexual couples get is federal Social Security and survivor pension benefits. Nevertheless, the real issue is the word "Marriage" itself. It is powerful word (Jonathan, 118). Many Gays and lesbians want the right to be married not partners, which makes them feel discriminated. They should have equal treatment not semi-equal treatment. Is it alright to have one set of rules for one group (Heterosexuals) and another set for a different group (Homosexuals)? It is for that reason many do not want gays affiliated with the word marriage. Despite the association, marriage is not a religious service but a contract allotted by the government (Jonathan, 121).

Furthermore, over time, society's attitudes towards alternative beliefs have changed. Most values worldwide are shifting toward individual freedom. The shift in values might be due to awareness in civil rights. Society has had several civil rights movements: American People, Women's, and Gay rights movements. These movements were all for the same thing, equality for all American. Although we still have some of the same attitudes, through the ...
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