Gays & Racism

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Gays & Racism

Very often political institutions reflect will of society and set precedent for norms that will be expected of its members. United States Military is still enforcing archaic policies which threaten to harm principles our nation was founded upon. Principles of freedom and equality are those that every American holds closest to their heart that is unless you are in military and are gay. Issue of gays in military has developed into the case of whether our country should discriminate against the group merely because of involuntary sexual orientation. (Moskos 83)


John Amaechi is first NBA player to come out. Announcement was made on February 7, 2006, just before release of his autobiography, Man in middle. Mr. Amaechi took some time to Gay Life to talk about his process of figuring out his new book and misconceptions about homophobia in professional sports.

When are yourself?

I left myself in my early 20's, but have not come to family until after that.

Does your family worry about your sexuality when you started your career in NBA?

Most of their concerns were about my happiness compared to anything else. My sisters were concerned about impact on my career because it was the household name.

Obviously that affected his decision to stay in closet...

His words did not affect it, but my thoughts are centered around same thing as: What happens to my charity? What about my work with young people? What happens?

Did you ever imagine coming out while being an active player in NBA?

Yes, I knew it would happen over time. It was way I wanted to control. I knew there was the possibility that could happen outside my control, while I was playing. Not scared, but I wanted to do it in the way that I could control to ensure that message was confluent and coherent and that I was mentally, physically and emotionally resilient.

What was worst thing would have happened if he had gone for the while?

There are the lot of bad things could happen. I mean, you have chaos that is happening around me, which affect way team played, way I played, and how we interact. Leaving must be done very sensible because it is not just talking with people who play. That is important, but it is also manager, coaches, ownership, league as the whole and 50,000 people who watch you play. For me, it is not only group of people you have to consider. When out of frustration or anger is not the good way, I do not.

Is that careful calculation rooted in perception of homophobia in professional sports?

Non-perception of homophobia in professional sports. There is homophobia in professional sports. There is homophobia in society is expressed in many different facets. Some places you can play and, potentially, be dismissed [for being gay], some places that just will not be well received or are afraid it will not be well received by property. Whatever you are, there is the psychological and emotional pressure to deal with that on top of the job that requires ...
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