Globalisation And Human Rights

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Globalisation and Human Rights

Globalisation and Human Rights


The concept of globalization refers to all the subjects in the world, and its people are “subsumed”, i.e., being affected each other in a sort of imaginary blender, mixing races, languages and different cultural forms without distinction whatsoever, as if, finally, had come more than we match all men, as it has always been feared and loathed death. This globing would be in the words of those interested, a sort of mechanism of the narrowing of the gap between peoples, with the undoubted benefits that would follow it.

Globalization is something like a coin with two faces. On one side, it got observed approaching people, inhibits, not always successfully, as demonstrated by the successive races in the Balkans and African territory during the last decade of the millennium, wars between nations, to returning the same access to information much more quickly. On the other hand, favours the industrialized nations that have advanced technology, who make excellent businesses selling to the poorest countries, naively think that way incorporated into the coveted First World as a way of expressing the thought “advanced” their rulers.


Observe, not without astonishment, that the only truly universal exists, successfully, in this is the extension and expansion of transnational capitalism, where only a minority, which participates in material and symbolic goods sufficient, and necessary seems to have their rights recognized. All this is against the majority of the planet, who deprived of practical recognition in fact, of their most basic and essential for living life with a sense of dignity, as is the only way I understand it is possible and worthy live it.

Human rights are a special kind of rights. Each unit has it only in respect of human dignity. For the same reason, they remain forever inalienable and universal. ...
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