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Critically Evaluation of Globalization vs. Globalism

Critically Evaluation of Globalization vs. Globalism


Globalism versus globalization has mistakenly been perceived as identical phenomenon. In fact, it is not, but both terms have several differences among them. From the cores, the term globalism attempts to provide an explanation of a world connected through networks of connection spread all over the world having substantial distances. The term attempts to develop understanding regarding of modern world's every inter-connection while identifying patterns which will help in explaining them (The World Bank, 2012). On the contrary note, the term globalization refer to decrease or increase in the globalism degree. Globalization focuses on the dynamism, forces and speed of such changes. In simple words, the term globalization is the reduction of distance at large dynamically, while globalism is referred to the basic network of the world (D'Antonio, 1997). The roots of globalism can be traced from the history. However, the study will not discuss the issue of roots of globalism from the past, rather the study will determine how thick or thin it is during a certain period of time (Hettne, Inotai and Sunkel 1999, pp. 16-245; The World Bank, 2012).

Globalization is an inevitable phenomenon in human history that's been bringing the world closer through the exchange of goods and products, information, knowledge and culture. But over the last few decades, the pace of this global integration has become much faster and more dramatic because of unprecedented advancements in technology, communications, science, transport and industry (Walker, 2003; D'Antonio, 1997).

The Silk Road: "Thin" globalism

Silk Road or commonly the trade of silk has been one of the most widely known examples of thin globalism explaining the cultural and economic link between Asia and Europe. The process of transition from thin to thick is like from globalism to globalization. Moreover, the assessment of the speed of this transition is also referred as globalization (Sjursen, 2000).

Certainly known fact is that Silk Trade in the past usually takes place between a group of people i.e. traders. This explains that only a small group of people have been exposed to the benefits or effects of globalism at that time. Contrasting to this perspective, global financial market's operations at present is the major example of globalization affecting from Penang to Peoria (Haugen & Mach, 2010). Thus, it can be claimed that the process of globalization helps or aide in making globalism intense or thick.

What's New? Thick globalism

The common point is the increasing thickness or intensity of globalism that is the density of interdependence of network. However, it is not merely a distinction in degree compare to the history. Relationship change with increasing thickness of this phenomenon which indicates that several relationships are interdependent and at certain points interacts deeply (Hettne, Inotai and Sunkel 1999, pp. 16-245; D'Antonio, 1997).

Simultaneously, the fact that the term globalism does not involve universality is noteworthy. This can be explained that to define globalism connections which make up networks might be observed strongly in some regions of the world ...
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