Group Intelligence

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Group Intelligence

Using Interpersonal Intelligence

Using Interpersonal Intelligence


The most confusing chore of teachers who utilize cooperative learning is to analyze the teamwork skills displayed by the students upon working in the groups. The process or system of Interpersonal Intelligence is specially made for the children to analyze and evaluate performance of the peers and as well as self-performance.

This process aids in getting responses which in turn facilitate the teacher in to analyzing the team interaction from the student's point of perception. The objective of such tools is to analyze and identify the skills that the team possess and demonstrate. It maintains confidentiality in terms of keeping the name of the students anonymous so that they are honest in their opinion. It compares the kind of self-impression that an individual student has from the responses given by the peers. It also analyzes and identifies the kind of learning need that exists. It credits and encourages hard worker for taking initiatives along with detecting a slacker. It also indentifies the kind of social skills that each student has. Field-testing was also conducted to identify the impact of psychometric tests and it turned out to be positive.

It also facilitates the students into identifying and practicing the kind of skills that are apt for the future when they grow up to be an adult. This tool does not identify all the competencies required but few that are vital for all age levels. On the other hand considering the current market situations, vital lessons and required knowledge, skills and abilities can be identified.

This particular process also highlights the importance of working in team which turns in favor of the children. Considering the advantages that the process has, teachers are then given the responsibilities of arranging activities that can aid them in making interpersonal intelligence (Gardner, 2000).

Concept of Interpersonal Intelligence

Howard Gardner states that the schools should identify and implement eight aspects of mind.

(1) Verbal mode: It concentrates on the verbal abilities. It constitutes the ability of speaking, reading and as well as writing.

(2) Logical mode: The ability to have Quantitative deduction as well as induction reasoning.

(3) Visual mode: The ability to have a spatial capability as well as develop a perception of the world and also to think in terms of pictures.

(4) Musical mode: The sensitivity towards rhythm as well as pitch and amplitudes of sounds.

(5) Bodily Mode -The motor skills which aids in having a graceful movement.

(6) Naturalist Mode: It is the abilities which aid an individual to observe patterns existing in the nature, understand the man-made as well as the natural systems.

(7) Intrapersonal Mode: The abilities which allow an individual to empathize in terms of being aware of people's feelings and purposes as well as the purpose and feeling of one self.

(8) Interpersonal Mode: The social ability and the capacity which aids in working efficiently and effectively with peers and subordinates (Strom, 2002).

Team Assessment of Performance

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