Health And Safety Legislation

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Health and Safety Legislation

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Aim Of The Report4





Health and Safety Legislation


This report is to be presented before the Board of directors of the company in order to make them aware and understand the present legal scenario related to their new business expansion proposal. The main aim of this report is to highlight the provision under section 14 of Factories Act 1961 and to also define the differences between Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations Regulation 11 (1) and 11 (2).

Factories Act 1961 was the series of acts passed by the parliament of United Kingdom in order to fix the number of working hours for women and children in the textile industry and this was later on made applicable to all other industries. Although this law is now outdated it is still in force in the United Kingdom; the measures of safety in a workplace is governed by the Health and Safety at Workplace Act 1974.

Enforcement of Factories Act 1961 initially remained on District Councils but, from 1974, common duty is on the Health and Safety Executive however they can commonly hand over this to the local establishment. On the other hand, since personal proceedings are questionable, so workers could find the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act rules as difficult. Though, under section 18, the HSE can also hand over its roles to local government. The section 18 take into account a more targeted and decentralised method to rule. Any imposing organization is able to employ inspectors with an on-paper manuscript declaring the control (Stranks, 2005). The written document is a proof of their control. Competent establishment can underwrite the inspector in any civil proceedings if she/he has worked in the truthful conviction which she/he was within his authority. There are various local government bodies who can be putting powers into effect. Some of them are Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple, Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, London Borough Councils, District Councils, County Councils or County Borough Councils (Wales), Councils for a local government area (Scotland), Council of the Isles of Scilly, and Common Council of the City of London. (Stranks, 2005)

Aim Of The Report

The aim of the report is to identify the differences between the Factories Act S14 (1) and the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations Regulation 11 (1) and 11 (2) as well as the Health and Safety at work etc. Act 1974. It also suggests how the company can demonstrate compliance with the requirements in particular of The Provision and Use of Work Regulations 1998 Regulation 11(1) and 11(2).


This report is aimed to highlight and explain the laws related to the health and safety of workers in a workplace. The provisions of Factory Act 1961, Section 1 to 7 of the act provides guidelines and measures that should be taken into account to meet the health, well-being and safety needs of employees in the factory. The act comprises of health related working conditions which should be met ...
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