Health Education

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Health Education

Health Education

If humanity, yet take the path of intense, coherent development of the noosphere orientation, it is my deep conviction that this will happen not at the behest of scientists, calling for building a harmonious world, and will be dictated by the rigid necessity that fatally aware of everything. That feeling of impending respiratory spiritual and environmental disaster will make the first steps towards the noosphere of the future. The coming era of risk and the need for self-preservation of humanity will be a reactor of deep, evolutionary change that pervade all spheres of society.

Health - one of the most fundamental problems to solve that mankind has always sought, since it was about life, about the human condition between the two mysteries - birth and death. As Socrates said wisely: "Health - not everything, but without health - nothing." Wisdom of Socrates in the fact that he did not think of health without understanding the nature and human nature. Hence his famous call, written on the pediment of the temple of Delphi: "Man, know thyself." (Johnstonn, 2009) Concern about the health of man and humanity - a key substantive components of the theory of sustainable development. Not taking this into account, the concept of sustainable development is far-fetched, utopian doctrinaire. In today's health is no longer just a matter of personal rights, it becomes an issue of life and death, ethnicity, society in general. Today, therefore, requires a new philosophy of health, treats this state as the most important human value to warrant a more complete and holistic understanding of the nature and essence of man as a potential basis of health. A great thinker and artist Leonardo da Vinci, far ahead of its time and anticipated the achievements and challenges HH1 century, including sustainable development ...
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