Hinduism And Buddhism

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What are the Major Similarities And Differences Between Hinduism And Buddhism And Why Do I Think These Developed?

What are the Major Similarities And Differences Between Hinduism And Buddhism And Why Do I Think These Developed?

Hinduism is a polytheistic religion (many gods), with a caste system that goes from the Brahmin (purest) to people outside castes (untouchables). Normally, (but it changes slowly from Gandhi and Nehru) is born into a caste, they marry into a caste and dies in his class. This seems very unfair but born Brahmin or untouchable is the result of his past actions (good or bad), the wheel of rebirth as a symbol of Hinduism.

They are thousands of gods, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva being the main, but you also have such a terrible goddesses Kali, the goddess who represented all black with severed heads or beneficial Ganesh, the elephant-headed god(Flood 2003).

Buddhism is more a philosophy than a religion of existence because it does not worship God. The idea (and I'm simplifying greatly) is to issue the cycle of reincarnation in freeing themselves from desires and suffering to reach nirvana, or enlightenment, as Buddha, a prince became mystical(Fisher 2008). Indeed the differences between Buddhism and Hinduism are very numerous. In fact Buddhism comes from Hinduism, like Islam and Christianity are branches of Judaism, but Buddhism (5th century) was detached from Hinduism because Buddha is neither a God nor a prophet, just a higher being that one can worship or not worship through. In Buddhism, the world is continuously created by human actions, whether good or bad. There is no creator God even if there are superior beings. In Buddhism, the principle of impermanence, or nothing is permanent, unchanging and eternal, whether in things or in things, so there is no soul as it conceived in other religions. Buddhism is more a philosophy of wisdom that appeals to reason and understanding, not blind faith. Of course, there were again some drifts and worship Buddha with a culture (Chopra 2005). Buddha teaches detachment from beliefs to avoid being reborn then, accordingly, to achieve absolute happiness or nirvana. The important acts in everyday is to go to basics and remove the problem at its root, not to recite prayers or worship statues.

Hinduism is a religion cons very old (3000 BC). There is no prophet or established dogma but oral traditions with divinities (Shiva, Krishna, Vishnu). However, over ...
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