The Moral Systems Of Hinduism And Buddhism

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The Moral Systems of Hinduism and Buddhism


Both Buddhism and Hinduism are well known religions. They are two of the most popular polytheistic faiths in the world. Some people believe them to be sects of the same religion, but they are mistaken. Buddhism and Hinduism have some similarities, but many things set them apart from each other as well. They are each their own religion in many aspects. 


Buddhism and Hinduism come from the same region, India. Both of them are very focused on nature, the things around them, though they both believe in several hells and heavens, or higher and lower worlds. They both believe in karma which is the affect a person's actions in this life will change his next life. Another point is that both religions focus on peace, and non violence towards all living things (Smith, pp. 65). They are compassionate, which ties into their focus on nature. Buddhism and Hinduism also believe in various spiritual practices such as meditation, concentration, and states of mind. Desire is the largest cause of suffering in both of the faiths. Another likeness is they both believe in reincarnation, and salvation. They believe the good deeds of a person are their work for salvation and their salvation will decide their next life, when they are reincarnated. Also, they both believe that there are many paths to enlightenment, such as overcoming your feelings and controlling over the six senses. Both religions are more philosophical then religious. Buddhists and Hindus both practice many forms of yoga and meditation and other ways to calm one's mind and focus the mind, such as Buddha did. They have many likenesses.

Both religions came from the same soil, in what is now known as India. They share a rather odd and uncomfortable relationship, being in the same area and having some strong differences, but strong similarities as well. Many people believe that Buddhism became popular in India because it freed people from the oppression of tradition. Buddha's teachings gave the Indians hope and aspiration which Hinduism did not offer them at the time. Even people today claim Buddhism was a sect of Hinduism. This belief is not acceptable by the Buddhists who said Buddha was the first to experience Nirvana and shared the experience with others and taught them the eight fold path, showing them a way to experience it was well, firing up the religion and causing its growth and popularity (Voorst, pp. 30). As in most religious disagreements there were times of executions of Buddhists by Hindu rulers. Although despite their many disagreements and battles, the two religions did indeed influence each other in many ways. After all, the founder of Buddhism, Buddha, was born and raised a Hindu himself. It would be rare for the two religions not to share any likenesses. 

Buddhists and Hindus share many similarities. They also have a fair share of differences. There have been times of persecution and execution, and time of peace and understanding between the two cultures. They share a ...
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