Homosexual Marriages

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Homosexual Marriages

Homosexual Marriages


The marriage between same sexes is known as gay marriage or homosexual marriage. However, it is not currently recognized by the Federal Government because according to the definition of marriage in the United States it is the union of one man and one woman under the Defense of Marriage Act. The partial abolition of this law was a campaign promise of Obama to the White House and still Obama taking stand on abolishing the law and trying hard to pass the law, which allows the same sex marriage. The marriage between same sex is recognized statewide for six states: Massachusetts (since May 17, 2004), Connecticut (since November 12, 2008), Iowa (from April 3 of 2009), District of Columbia (from the December 18, 2009), New York (adopted on June 24 in 2011 and entered into effect on July 24 of 2011) and Suquamish (August 1 of 2011).

It is a divisive issue in American politics. The social movement for rights and responsibilities of marriage in the United States for same-sex couples began early in the decade of 1970 and the issue became prominent in American politics during the 1990 (Stateline, 2009: NCSL, 2011).


Ideology of homosexuality

Homosexual marriages are always remained a hot topic in the media, however, for some time the mainstream media strive to discredit any attempt to oppose scientific and social reasons to the ideology of homosexuality and what it represents, above all marriage and adoption by homosexuals. There are few who argue that society's progress and commitment to social progress manifested in overcoming discriminatory barriers against homosexuals. The advocates of these positions have tried to defame those who defend the right of children to the best possible family and society's right to propose marriage as a union between a man and a woman saying that society impose religious beliefs to others and that impede the recognition of civil rights for all (Phelps & Lehman, 2005).

However, according to the writer it is not true. Gay people can publicly register as unions of close friendships made in the context of social security protection, but insist that recognition of such unions as marriage goes against the public welfare and particularly against the balance and emotional development of the children. Homosexual persons must be respected and protected as individuals, but their lifestyle should not be proposed to children as a safe option in life. 

The writer has presented number of arguments on behalf of those people who believe that legalizing of homosexual marriages will destroy the rules and regulations of nature. Therefore, the writer has highlighted some of the points in front of the readers that before developing an opinion regarding homosexual marriages, please consider these thoughts.

Homosexual Marriage

Homosexual marriage is an unpublished social experiment. Marry to a same sex is a social experiment that has never been attempted before. No civilization has introduced gay marriage. Even societies that allowed and even encouraged homosexuality in certain ages and social classes do not allowed gay marriages, however, the ancient Greeks clearly understood that marriage is the stable union between a man and a woman open to having children. One thing was the sexual practices of ...
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