I Heard A Fly Buzz-When I Died

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I Heard A Fly Buzz-When I Died

(Pastiche Attached in the Appendix)

I have tried to imitate the poem of Emily Dickinson. I chose this poem considering the fact that it talks about the reality of life and that is we've come alone and we will leave alone. The poem is said to be based on an individual who is lying on his death bed and it heard a fly buzz over it. The room that the individual was in was as calm as the environment is after a storm has passed by. The people around her had wept their eyes in grieve of the loss that the body was termed as. Amidst the weeping sound the body heard a fly buzzing. This poem has said to be based on reality and a stage that is bound to come as every soul shall have a taste of death. This poem also reminded me of my Grandfathers death that took place few months ago and I was taken aback considering the fact that that was the first death that I had experienced when it comes to the near and dear ones. I could not resist thinking about the fact that life is short and that every individual has one life and one opportunity to seize everything they ever wanted and the very same way Emily Dickinson wrote a poem about how helpless one becomes when one dies and realizes that one has died and left the near and dear ones weeping and that you cant do anything to console them but lie down and waiting to be buried.

In my poem I chose to copy the style of writing that Emily made use of. The first few lines of the poem is said to be a description of the death bed and the kind of ...
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