Importance Of Health Education

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Importance of Health Education

Importance Of Health Education


The significance of our wellbeing is the significance of life itself. Without our wellbeing, life is no more than a pitiful existence. So, should we study it? I accept as true that a school wellbeing class is important, and I do accept as true that it should be made mandatory. In the words of Aristotle, “The origins of learning are acrid, but the crop is sweet.” I accept as true that although the topics investigated in a human health class may not be appreciated and applicable today, but the knowledge profited will help us down the road. While numerous things continue to change as far as knowledge, the rudimentary notion of wellbeing will habitually be constant. Things may change, but the idea that wellbeing is vastly important to life will not ever die.

The wellbeing learning in Schools

In U.S. public schools, health instruction has been achieved through a variety of organizational patterns. One method is to include facts on health in content areas such as biology, social studies, or home economics. Units of health related to these areas have been included in the regular classroom instruction. However, the most successful procedure of accomplishing the aims and objectives of health learning is that of direct direction whereby wellbeing instruction is advised a distinct part of the total school curriculum.

At the elementary school level health instruction is organized and conducted by the classroom teacher. In lesser schools it is widespread to offer wellbeing education as a distinct course, educated by a particularly educated teacher. Many colleges and universities offer programs to train wellbeing education educators. Members of the profession feel strongly that health education should not be considered a part of physical education and that physical education should not be a branch of health education. Some high schools now give a half year to physical education and a half year to health instruction.

The content of health education courses includes topics such as sleep, rest, nutrition, dental health, grooming, safety, sex, the effects of drugs and tobacco, family life, diseases, and community health. These topics are studied as they relate to the individual, the family, and the community. Instruction focuses on the mental and social dimensions as well as on the physical dimensions of health. Teaching methods stress providing opportunities for the student to find and use facts in making decisions. The student is assisted to move beyond facts to the processes of generalizing and forming concepts about good health.

Development of Health Education

Health education evolved from actions and influences dating from the beginning of human civilization. Humanity's effort to survive and live a productive life necessitated the establishment of customs or laws covering matters such as preserving food and checking the spread of disease. Principles for healthy living were communicated from family to family, community to community, and across the seas to other lands. These principles were shaped and reshaped by changes occurring throughout the ...
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