Information Technology

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Information Technology: A Sleeping Giant for Nigeria.

Information Technology: A Sleeping Giant for Nigeria


Information has habitually performed a very significant part in human life. However, in the mid-20th 100 years, the function of information expanded immeasurably as a outcome of communal advancement and the vigorous development in science and technology Nigeria. In supplement, as Trostnikov (1970) has sharp out, fast expansion of a mass of diversified information is happening, which has obtained the title “information explosion”. As a outcome, they require has was drawn from for a technical set about to information and for elucidation of its most attribute properties which has directed to two primary alterations in understanding of the notion of information. First, it was broadened to encompass information exchange not only between man and man but furthermore between appliance and appliance, as well as the exchange of pointers in the animal and vegetation worlds.

The stride of change conveyed by new technologies has had an important result on the way persons reside, work, and play worldwide. New and appearing technologies dispute the customary method of educating and learning, and the way education is managed. Information technology, while a significant locality of study in its own right, is having a foremost influence over all curriculum areas. Easy worldwide communication presents get access to a huge array of facts and numbers, demanding assimilation and evaluation skills. Rapid communication, in addition to expanded get access to IT in the dwelling, at work, and in educational establishments, could signify that learning becomes a really lifelong activity- an undertaking in which the stride of technological change forces unchanging evaluation of the learning method itself.

Communication can be recounted as the method of conveying and obtaining concepts, information, and messages. In holding with their convoluted environment and multiple submissions, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) may be examined in distinct ways. The World Bank characterizes ICTs as “the set of undertakings which help by electronic entails the processing, transmission and brandish of information” (Rodriguez and Wilson, 2000). ICTs “refers to technologies persons use to share, circulate, accumulate information and to broadcast through computers and computer networks” (ESCAP, 2000). ICTs can be recounted as a convoluted diverse set of items, submissions and services utilized for producing, circulating, processing, changing information- (including) telecoms, television and wireless broadcasting, hardware and programs, computer services and electronic media” (Marcella, 2000). ICTs comprise a cluster of affiliated technologies characterized by their ...
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